Merlian News February 2017 Newsletter

Dear Readers,

This year promises to be an exciting one with new research and developments coming through almost daily in the fields of consciousness, science, spirituality, nutrition, activism, the environment, and more. We look forward to presenting our readers with up to date news and information, and we thank you for your support.

This Month’s Recommended Merlian News Articles:

Merryn’s Musings

Revisiting the Seth Material
Reading the Seth Material was life changing for me!! In the mid ’80s. my mother and I had been experiencing many of the same phenomena our whole lives. Someone recommended that I investigate Jane Roberts’ story of channeling material and I devoured that first book in one sitting. The Seth Material validated everything that had happened to me over the years and opened up the way I perceived the universe.

Liminal Moments by Cheryl Shainmark
To March or Not to March: When Science Gets Political

Data is data, science is objective, and the facts should speak for themselves, right? The answer is… complicated. The choice of what to study can be very subjective, constrained by preconceived ideas, and driven by special interest groups, or funding, (often the same thing). Data has always been open to interpretation, and –  even before Kellyanne Conway coined the phrase – “the facts” were sometimes ignored in favor of “alternative facts.” But what’s scaring some scientists now is the anti-science, climate change denying stance of the Trump administration, and the fact that data is disappearing.

Wellbeing & Healing
The Benefits of Stinging Nettles
Used since ancient times, stinging nettles are used to thin and purify the blood, to relieve chest congestion, as a diuretic, and to stimulate the digestive system. It has been used to treat respiratory issues such as asthma,  bronchitis,  sinusitis and allergies. It is very popular in Europe as an alternative treatment for prostate issues and prostate cancer. Used topically, a poultice or wash with the leaves is thought to help rheumatism, soften hair, clear up acne, and aid in burn and rash relief.

Deep Awake by Tim Freke – Review by Cheryl Shainmark

Deep Awake is a wonderful addition to the fields of consciousness and spirituality. The author, Tim Freke, has put together a deceptively simple guide for “waking up” and living consciously. Unlike most of the genre, the ego, with all its strengths and weaknesses, is not vilified, but embraced. For those who have failed at prior efforts to meditate and reflect, this unique approach may help them to succeed.

Las Vegas Taps Into Solar Energy for its Municipal Buildings

As reported in The Huffington Post and USA Today, last month Las Vegas became the latest U.S city to complete the switch over to solar power for its municipal buildings.  Now that the final array of solar panels has gone online, Las Vegas can brag that all of the city buildings, parks, community centers and street lights are powered by renewable energy. At a news conference following the completion, Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman said proudly, “We can brag that the city, this city of Las Vegas, is one of the few cities in the entire world that can boast using all of its power from a green source.”

Website of the Month

Dr. William Tiller: Where Science Meets Spirit

Dr. William A. Tiller is one of the world’s leading scientists on the structure of matter. Fellow to the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, Professor Emeritus William A. Tiller, of Stanford University’s Department of Materials Science, spent 34 years in academia after 9 years as an advisory physicist with the Westinghouse Research Laboratories.  He has published over 250 conventional scientific papers, 3 books and several patents. In parallel, for over 30 years, he has been avocationally pursuing serious experimental and theoretical study of the field of psychoenergetics which will very likely become an integral part of “tomorrow’s” physics. In this new area, he has published an additional 100 scientific papers and four seminal books.


Thank you once more, for your positive feed back and support!

Merryn Jose – Editor In Chief & Publisher
Cheryl Shainmark – Senior Editor

To March or Not to March: When Science Gets Political

| by Cheryl Shainmark

Data is data, science is objective, and the facts should speak for themselves, right? The answer is… complicated. The choice of what to study can be very subjective, constrained by preconceived ideas, and driven by special interest groups, or funding, (often the same thing). Data has always been open to interpretation, and – even before Kellyanne Conway coined the phrase – “the facts” were sometimes ignored in favor of “alternative facts.” But what’s scaring some scientists now is the anti-science, climate change denying stance of the Trump administration, and the fact that data is disappearing.

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The Health Benefits of Broccoli by The World’s Healthiest

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Broccoli is a particularly rich source of a flavonoid called kaempferol. Recent research has shown the ability of kaempferol to lessen the impact of allergy-related substances on our body. The kaempferol connection helps to explain the unique anti-inflammatory benefits of broccoli, and it should also open the door to future research on the benefits of broccoli for a hypoallergenic diet.

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Deep Awake by Tim Freke

| review by Cheryl Shainmark

Deep Awake is a wonderful addition to the fields of consciousness and spirituality. The author, Tim Freke, has put together a deceptively simple guide for “waking up” and living consciously. Unlike most of the genre, the ego, with all its strengths and weaknesses, is not vilified, but embraced. For those who have failed at prior efforts to meditate and reflect, this unique approach may help them to succeed.

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Dr. William Tiller – Where Science Meets Spirit

Dr. William A. Tiller is one of the world’s leading scientists on the structure of matter. Fellow to the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, Professor Emeritus William A. Tiller, of Stanford University’s Department of Materials Science, spent 34 years in academia after 9 years as an advisory physicist with the Westinghouse Research Laboratories. He has published over 250 conventional scientific papers, 3 books and several patents. In parallel, for over 30 years, he has been avocationally pursuing serious experimental and theoretical study of the field of psychoenergetics which will very likely become an integral part of “tomorrow’s” physics.

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The Tree of Life – Possibly…. by Tim Walter

I could have put a picture of a tree here, I suppose, that would have been “more on the nose” and what you might have expected! This shot, taken at last Summer’s “Nidderdale Show,” does something for me, I really like it. I don’t know why, I think maybe it’s that glimpse into another person’s life as they, for a fraction of a second, connect to me with the camera. The natural light captures their emotion, in this case the farmer’s pride. It’s a candid shot, it’s not art, it’s just a snapshot, but in it we see as in all photographs a moment of a person’s life caught in time.

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Recognizing the Rights of Animals

Animal lovers have known for years that the creatures we interact with, both at home and in the wild, are sentient, fully aware beings deserving of the same respect and rights we accord to our human brethren. Study after study has confirmed that animals are intelligent, aware, and able to communicate with humans in their own special way. For some, communicating with animals is second nature, such as seen in this moving video of an “Animal Whisperer” calming a panther.

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