The Dreamer’s School of Soul – New Course from Robert Moss & The Shift Network

Robert Moss and The Shift Network are offering a new seven month online training course, starting July 12th. From his website we read: Every day, consciously or unconsciously, we are in the school of life. Every night, whether or not we remember, we may have access to the university of many lives, a greater School of Soul. In this exciting training, you’ll learn techniques to help you become a dreamer 24/7. You’ll be inspired by stories from dreamers today and from the whole human odyssey to encourage and incite you to apply the gifts of dreaming to bring more of soul into life and to survive and thrive.

In this ever-deepening adventure, supported by an international community of creative and compassionate soul voyagers, you will be encouraged to find your personal answers to the eternal questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is my sacred purpose in this world and beyond this world? You’ll be inspired by stories from dreamers today and from the whole human odyssey to encourage and incite you to apply the gifts of dreaming to bring more of soul into life and to survive and thrive.

This is destined to be the most exciting and powerful virtual dream journeying program Robert has ever offered!

Click here for more information, or to register

Robert Moss Podcasts with Merlian News!

Merlian News Welcomes Back Robert Moss For A Second Podcast Interview

Merlian News Podcasts with Robert Moss About Coincidences & Synchronicities

Robert Moss is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original method of dreamwork and healing through the imagination. Born in Australia, his fascination with the dreamworld began in his childhood, when he had three near-death experiences and first learned the ways of a traditional dreaming people through his friendship with Aborigines. A former professor of ancient history, he is also a novelist, journalist, and independent scholar.  Visit him online at

Expect the Unexpected by Bill Philipps: a Q&A with the Author

As a psychic medium who helps the deceased Bill Philipps had the kind of childhood that seems too tragic to be true — drug-addicted parents, parental kidnapping, homelessness. At age fourteen, he watched his mother die. Two days later she appeared to him, letting him know she was spiritually alive. It was the first time someone from the other side had communicated with Bill. It wouldn’t be the last. His book Expect the Unexpected: Bringing Peace, Healing, and Hope from the Other Side (New World Library, June 15, 2017), shares Bill’s amazing journey of going from a horrid childhood to becoming one of the most beloved, respected, and renowned psychic mediums in the world. He offers a firsthand account of how spirits communicate with him and how he works with them to convey their messages to their living loved ones.

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Body & Soul: How to Deepen Your (Spiritual) Connection by Sahar Huneidi

| by Sahar Huneidi

Spiritual awareness is really about integrating the two duality forces which exist in many forms and on various levels: the Yin & Yang, the passive &active, the essence & form, spirit & matter – more to the point, body & soul. Once you are aware of the inherent polarity you can begin to understand that as we develop one aspect, spiritual awareness (the soul) or the mind, we must also develop the other complimentary force, the body in order to maintain harmony and balance in our lives; and to strengthen the connection between body and soul.

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Merlian News June 2017 Newsletter

Dear Readers: This year promises to be an exciting one with new research and developments coming through almost daily in the fields of consciousness, science, spirituality, nutrition, activism, the environment, and more. We look forward to presenting our readers with up to date news and information, and we thank you for your support.

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Meditation Saved My Life by Phakyab Rinpoche with Sofia Stril-Rever

In 2003, Tibetan lama Phakyab Rinpoche was admitted to the emergency clinic of the Program for Survivors of Torture at Manhattan’s Bellevue Hospital. After a dramatic escape from imprisonment in China, at the hands of authorities bent on uprooting Tibet’s traditional religion and culture, his ordeal had left him with life-threatening injuries, including gangrene of the right ankle. American doctors gave Rinpoche a shocking choice: accept leg amputation or risk a slow, painful death. An inner voice, however, prompted him to try an unconventional cure: meditation.

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Barbara Brennan School of Healing

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“Established in 1982, the Barbara Brennan School of Healing is the world’s premier institute of hands-on healing and personal transformation. BBSH is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education, Florida Department of Education to grant both Professional Studies Diplomas and Bachelor of Science Degrees in Brennan Healing Science®, the specialized form of holistic healthcare taught at BBSH. This is a hands-on healing system that works with an individual’s energy consciousness system to create physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.”

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A Summer of Love by Lisa Karmen

June is the month when we energetically move from the mental curiosity and communication of the sign Gemini into the emotional safe harbor of home represented by the sign Cancer. The approaching Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 9th will help to shed light on the illusions in our lives and encourage us to connect with our own truth. On the same day the planet Jupiter (wisdom, expansion, ideals, vision) changes direction in the sign of Libra (balance and relationships) indicating it is time to move forward after 5 months of interpersonal lessons.

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Reclaiming Your Body: Healing from Trauma & Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom

While the English language frequently refers to what our bodies know — “gut feelings,” hearts “reaching out” to others, etc. — many of us have learned to ignore, deny, or even mistrust our body’s inherent wisdom. Even worse, a lot of people don’t like their bodies very much at all. As a result, we often cut ourselves off from one of our greatest allies. In Reclaiming Your Body: Healing from Trauma and Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom, author Suzanne Scurlock-Durana provides the tools and guidance necessary to reconnect with our body’s inner guidance system of sensation, imagery, and inner knowing. Her book includes chapters for each main “wisdom area” of the body — the heart, gut, pelvis, legs and feet, bones, and brain — and explores each area’s unique roles in the process of developing full-body presence.

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After Paris Falls Through, States Form the US Climate Alliance

In response to the news President Trump has withdrawn the United States from the Paris climate agreement, Governor Cuomo joined California Governor Edmund G. Brown and Washington Governor Jay Inslee to announce the United States Climate Alliance, a coalition that will convene states committed to taking aggressive action on climate change. There is a growing consensus among state leadership that if Washington will not act on climate then the states must.

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