Consciousness is Intrinsic in the Universe by Paul Mulliner

It’s easy, during our everyday life in the world, to forget how extravagantly remarkable a human being actually is.

Several trillion complex biochemical reactions, all in sync with one another, are occurring throughout our human body every second.

Across trillions of synapses in our brain, coherent and orchestrated neural processing generates the impression of a three dimensional world around us, using information from our senses of sight, hearing and touch.

For many people, however this extraordinary reality is unknown.

Human beings are thought to have emerged from random mutations of material stuff and the Universe is regarded as being mostly empty and lifeless.

The current mainstream popular western cosmology sees a dead, mechanistic Universe in which life emerges as a consequence of random processes, the human brain generates consciousness and each one of us is entirely separate from each other.

In this worldview, when we die, our separate skin-enclosed personal self, generated somehow by our brain, ends abruptly.

If we regularly take a focus of attention inward, however, into the inner core of ourselves we can begin to sense the presence of a consciousness-field that seems to exist in all space within everyone and everything and throughout the whole Universe.

We can begin to intuitively sense that a living field-consciousness organism in all space is the primary stuff of the Universe and that everything we observe around ourselves is a continuously generated expression of this field-organism and emerges from it in a streaming flow process, in which cosmic intelligence and energy are transformed into the dynamic patterns of cosmic energy fluctuations that make up the visible world.

Consciousness is a fundamental and primary cosmic element, intrinsic in the Universe.

Like a harmonic resonance of connected musical tones, the generative dynamic orderedness of cosmic intelligence in all space everywhere is expressing itself through the continuous emergence of precisely orchestrated clusters of cosmic energy field-processes, which we observe as living cell biochemistry.

We can sense that it’s the inherent nature of this living cosmic consciousness field-organism to be self-aware, to be consciously present to itself, everywhere within itself.

One all-experiencing cosmic field-awareness knows all experiencing occurring everywhere, within all of us simultaneously, as one experience within itself.

Conscious awareness within each one of us is a localised knowing within a field-consciousness which is intrinsic in the Universe and within all of us.

A stream of information from our body senses is processed by our brain and interpreted by self-knowing cosmic consciousness within us and in all space, allowing it to realise itself as being present within the body of a living human being.

The seeing and experiencing we’re aware of inside ourselves occurs within a living, self-knowing cosmic consciousness organism and this field-self is the source of the ‘ I am’ knowing within us.

As the continuously generative source of all life in the Universe it exists throughout the birth and death of all living beings.

Taking a focus of attention inward helps us to realise intuitively that we’re woven into the whole fabric of the continuously emergent visible Universe, we’re intrinsically connected into the whole of everything occurring everywhere.

A continuously generated visible Universe of living beings, planets and stars which is evolving intelligently everywhere as it emerges continuously out of a field of cosmic intelligence in all space can be sensed and realised as a living organism rather than a dead space filled with random processes.

As we tune in to this cosmic intelligence within ourselves, we can sense that we’re flow beings. Our bodies are a streaming flow-expression of cosmic intelligence, a continuously emergent, moment by moment transforming of cosmic intelligence into materialisation and appearance in the world.

This organising intelligence exists in all space in the Universe. It’s a generative field-intelligence which is continuously transforming itself into the visible, material ‘stuff’ of our world and the living beings within it.

Nothing in our apparently solid bodies is static, everything is in the process of becoming. Cosmic intelligence is continuously becoming visible as it transforms itself into us and everything around us.

Within every cell of our body we can see this continuous emergence occurring in the streaming flow-appearance of exquisitely and coherently orchestrated complex biochemistry.

As we consciously realise ourselves as expressions of cosmic intelligence, we can find a larger sense of what it means to be human.

Human beings allow cosmic intelligence to realise and know itself within the context of a sentient living being. Each one of us is this cosmic intelligence taking on human form for the duration of a human life.

This no-boundary spatial consciousness exists everywhere and within everything and everyone and becomes more available to our knowing when we pay attention to it.

Paul Mulliner is a writer and digital artist. Formerly computer animation designer for Television, 3D digital artist for Game development and tutor in Game development. This article originally appeared on

The Power of Meditation by Tim Walter

The power of meditation can no longer be in any doubt by even the most sceptical of sceptics. Details of a scientific experiment conducted at the Max Plank Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig Germany were published recently…. The experiment looked at how three meditation techniques affected the brains and bodies of more than 300 volunteers over nine months.

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