Tough Bliss – Restorying Life by Genevieve Boast

| by Cheryl Shainmark

Tough Bliss is that rare book, almost magical in it’s ability to stir and inspire the reader in creative ways. Moving anecdotes of personal and sacred moments in the author’s life offer insight and instruction for our own spiritual journey. As Ms. Boast writes, “This is an invitation to jump outside the game of life as you know it and see your unique story for perhaps the first time…” The invitation is deeply important: to reconnect with your true self, and to reunite with the Earth and the web of the universe. That’s a huge promise, but I believe the author delivers.

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Merlian News Podcasts with Dr. Raymond Moody

Dr. Moody is a world renowned leader in the area of near death studies, having coined the phrase “near death experience” and penned over 11 books on the subject. His famous book, Life After Life, has sold 13 million copies worldwide and has just been re-released for its 25th anniversary edition. Also just published is Dr. Moody’s latest book Glimpses of Eternity Sharing a Loved One’s Passage From This Life To The Next, published by Guideposts.

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What Is The Connection Between Spirituality And Medicine? by Teresa Hale

| by Teresa Hale

Teresa Hale from the Hale Clinic discusses the importance of spirituality in its relation to medicine, health, and illness: ” All religions recognize the presence of the Divine in healing. Acknowledging this powerful healing force within humanity can only support medicine and not detract from it.”

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