Merlian News May 2018 Newsletter
Dear Readers: This year promises to be an exciting one with new research and developments coming through almost daily in the fields of consciousness, science, spirituality, nutrition, activism, the environment, and more. We look forward to presenting our readers with up to date news and information, and we thank you for your support.
This Month’s Recommended Merlian News Articles:
Merryn’s Musings by Merryn Jose
Coming from a long line of women gifted with the “Second Sight,” I’ve known since I was a child that there are many ways for the Universe or individual souls to get in touch with you. One of the easiest ways is through our dreams, and I learned years ago to pay close attention to who shows up when I’m sleeping. This is not exactly secret knowledge — there are books about the various types of dreams, such as precognitive, announcement dreams, vision quests, meeting your power animal, and more. Any of Robert Moss’ wonderful books teach the reader about these kind of dreams as well as about lucid dreaming and how to navigate through the different dream worlds.
Liminal Moments by Cheryl Shainmark
Feeding Body & Soul
If you’d asked me a few years ago whether I’d be following a virtually wheat free, 90% vegetarian — hell, 90% vegan diet, I’d have said, “That’s nuts.” Now I’m likely to say, “That’s raw cashews to you, and by the way, do you know how many recipes you can make with them?” It’s safe to say that I’m not alone in making a big diet and lifestyle change, either. Based on the latest bestsellers, opinion pages in the New York Times , increase in vegetarian and vegan websites and buzz on the Internet, it seems we have reached some kind of “tipping point” toward a radical change in the way we eat and what we will accept from the food industry.
Consciousness is Cosmic by Paul Mulliner
Consciousness, our capacity for conscious awareness, is cosmic not personal and it’s everywhere, inside and around all of us. An all-experiencing consciousness field-organism, a consciously aware space, exists everywhere throughout the Universe and inside all of us. This cosmic organism of consciousness provides all of us with our conscious awareness. Our human brain, immersed in this spatial consciousness, processes the data emerging from our body senses and places conscious field-awareness within the context of our unique human body.
Using Saffron to Boost or Restore Eye Health
Saffron, the world’s most expensive spice, has long been highly regarded for its distinctive golden color and subtle flavor. But did you know that it is also considered a potent healing agent? Ayurveda teaches that saffron has both invigorating and nourishing qualities and beneficial medicinal actions on the blood, the heart and the reproductive system. Now, western medicine has determined that it may be a key player in maintaining or restoring good vision. This becomes critically important as we face both an aging population and increased incidents of eye strain from overuse of electronic devices over all segments of society.
Research Mapping Emotions Shows Strong Mind-Body Connection
Love makes us warm all over, and now scientists are creating body maps to prove it. A team of scientists in Finland has used a topographical self-reported method to reveal the effects that different emotional states have on bodily sensations. After five experiments and over 700 participants from Finland, Sweden and Taiwan, who reported where on their bodies they felt different emotions , the scientists discovered surprising consistencies. Their research findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences…
Website of the Month
Odyssey of a Creatress by Madeline K. Adams
Odyssey of a Creatress is a wonderful memoir of one woman’s spiritual journey to uncover and awaken the sacred feminine within her psyche, eventually allowing it to inspire and guide her life. Subtitled “A Heroine’s Journey to uncover the Essence of her Feminine Soul,” this book is not just for women – as Madeline Adams writes in her introduction, “My story is unashamedly about the feminine, as a primary creative principle, that exists in the lives of men and women.” As the author makes clear, it is through honoring the feminine in both men and women that balance and healing occur.
Thank you once more, for your positive feed back and support!
Merryn Jose – Editor In Chief & Publisher
Cheryl Shainmark – Senior Editor