They Are Us by Cheryl Shainmark

I remember in the ’60s, being six or seven years old, and visiting my great-grandmother Teresa in a nursing home, shortly before she died at age 94. She only spoke Italian, and my Dad taught us a few words to say to her: Come sta? Bene; prego. Her son Henry, my grandfather, was bi-lingual; her grandson – my Dad – had a smattering of the old tongue, and now I had the four words he taught me….

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The Importance of Sharing Our Metaphysical Experiences

Some time ago the New York Times Magazine section featured a wonderful interview with Barbara Ehrenreich, author of several books including “Nickel and Dimed.” The interview focused on her most recent book, Living With a Wild God, which is a memoir detailing the author’s “dissociative” experiences when she was in her teens. “…The whole world came to life, and the difference between myself and everything else dissolved — but not in a sweet, loving, New Agey way. That was a world flamed into life, is how I would put it.” As I read what Ms. Ehrenreich had gone through, I found myself moved by the story and recognized the pattern of staying silent for years about the strange and wonderful events that had occurred to her.

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Relationship with the Silence by Paul Mulliner

The conventional explanation for the existence of consciousness is that it’s generated somehow by the brain. It’s possible though that the brain acts as a window into a field of consciousness which is present everywhere in the Universe. Indeed, if we gently hold a focus of attention in the inner core of ourselves, we can quite easily reach an intuitive realisation that the conscious awareness we have inside us exists also in the space around us. It seems that the ‘I am’ awareness which exists, apparently separately, inside each one of us is an intrinsic property of all space everywhere and is simultaneously present inside all of us.

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