Awakening to the One Mind

Just recently I reread Larry Dossey’s new book, One Mind, and I was thoroughly impressed again, picking up on details I hadn’t absorbed the first time. The author’s portrayal of a global awakening of consciousness and movement toward unity is exciting and deeply moving.

Dr. Dossey recounts research and amazing stories of near death experiences, transformative spiritual events and communication between humans and other non-humans, such as pets, or other sentient beings. It reminded me of my own unitive experience in 1977, and I found myself remembering anew that glorious sensation of connecting with higher minds and a collective conscious that is based on love. What I connected with that evening is exactly what Dossey describes: an all-encompassing infinite dimension of shared intelligence — what he calls the One Mind.

When I had my “bliss” experience in the 70’s, it was still relatively rare and most people wouldn’t speak about it for fear of being ridiculed. Now millions of people have had near death experiences, hundreds of books about encounters with various beings are on the market, animal communication is becoming common, and science has confirmed the presence of “non-local” space, telepathy and other modes of communication. It’s clear that everything is speeding up and that more and more people are learning to connect with the One Mind. I find myself very excited about these times and I look forward to hearing more stories of our great connection.

For more information, go to or

New York Bans Plastic Bags

As reported recently in The New York Times, New York state will ban most plastic bag use, starting next March. New York joins California and Hawaii as the only states to take such sweeping measures to combat the proliferation of these non-recyclable plastic bags. Advocates of the ban cite the spectacle of litter everywhere as well as the carbon cost of producing the bags as reasons enough to support the new legislation.

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Merlian News Podcasts with Dan Millman

| by Merlian News & Team

Dan Millman is a former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor. After an intensive, twenty-year spiritual quest, Dan’s teaching found its form as the Peaceful Warrior’s Way, expressed fully in his books and lectures. Merryn Jose talks with Dan Millman about his book,Bridge Between Worlds, Published by New World Library. Formerly entitled Divine Interventions.

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