Knowing the Intelligent Cosmic Space by Paul Mulliner

How tuning in to the intelligent cosmic space present everywhere in the Universe, helps us dissolve the thought boundaries which separate us from each other.

You’re not a separate person. Neither am I. Although we have separate human bodies, the conscious awareness we all share with each other is a single field of cosmic intelligence, a spatial consciousness everywhere inside us and throughout the Universe.

Each one of us is this cosmic spatial-intelligence continuously coming into existence as a human being.

Cosmic intelligence is transforming itself into living beings by spin-patterning cosmic energy into the quantum scale field-resonances we observe as the streaming flows of cell biochemistry characteristic of all life.

A cosmic field-intelligence organism in all space is transforming itself into living beings across the Universe, making itself visible to itself and experiencing life as every living being.

There’s never a time in our everyday life when this field-consciousness, the core-stuff of the Universe, isn’t looking through us into the world, conscious of every moment of our experience, aware of every thought, realizing and knowing every moment as we know it.

As we tune in to this spatial conscious-intelligence and bring it into our awareness, we can begin to feel more at home in the Universe and on this planet.

We can find a larger sense of ourselves as cosmic beings, as we intuitively realize the whole visible Universe and all life everywhere to be a continuously generated expression of cosmic intelligence.

Today, here and now in our everyday life in the world, wherever we are and whatever we’re doing at this moment, we’re connected into a cosmic-scale consciousness field-organism which is bringing us all into being within itself.

The space around, within and between us is an aware and conscious cosmic intelligence and as we intuitively realize this conscious awareness within ourselves by inwardly paying attention to it, we’re allowing it to know itself within us.

How tuning in to the intelligent cosmic space present everywhere in the Universe, helps us dissolve the thought boundaries which separate us from each other.

When we do this, we realize that there’s no actual ‘other’. There’s only the appearance of others, within one seamless field of conscious awareness inside all of us and in all space everywhere.

Our thoughts about our self can reinforce the sense of separation we may feel from existing in separate human bodies and our busy life in the world can result in us paying more attention to what’s happening around us than inside us.

Tuning in to the presence of this cosmic field inside ourselves helps us lessen our attachment to thoughts of separation and we can more easily dissolve the thought boundaries that separate us from each other.

Becoming more aware of where our attention is actually focused is crucial. We can sometimes allow the focus of our attention to drift, for example, from one item to another on our screens and forget to gently direct this focus inward from time to time.

The focus of our attention has an actual location, like the bright spot you see when you focus light from the sun with a lens. Right now your attention-focus is on these words on your screen.

If you pause from reading for a moment, you can take this point-focused attention away from the words on your screen and move it into the deep inner core of yourself and allow your thinking to subside.

A conscious space become apparent which is clearly not confined to our separate human body but extends throughout all space and includes all of us.

A field-experiencing cosmic consciousness is experiencing every moment within all of us, generating all life across the Universe and becoming more aware of itself by doing so.

~We can bring this intuitive realization into our daily life by taking a focus of attention inward.

~The focus of our attention, like the rays of light focused into a high intensity point by a lens, has an actual location in the space that surrounds us.

~If we pause from reading for a moment, we can take the location of this point-focused attention away from the words on our screen and move it into the inner core of our self.

~We can gently hold this focus of attention in the inner core of our self and allow our thinking to subside.

~Our attention is now focused within a conscious, self-aware space which seems to be not only inside us, but everywhere throughout the Universe.

What we are, at the core of our innermost self and in all space everywhere, is what is looking through all of us into the world.


Merlian News Podcasts with Kathleen Marden on the Betty & Barney Hill Alien Abduction

| by Merlian News & Team

In this two part podcast, Merryn Jose discusses with Kathleen: Betty & Barney Hill’s abduction story, the details of Betty Hill’s experience, the star map Betty Hill was given by the aliens who abducted her, Betty’s description of the aliens performing an amniocentesis on her before the procedure was developed in the medicine/science of her time, her work with physicist Stanton T. Friedman, and more! For the past 21 years Kathleen Marden has engaged in UFO abduction research and investigation. She has used her background as a social scientist, hypnotherapist, and role as the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the first alien abductees whose story stirred worldwide interest, to advance her career as a writer…

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Merlian News June 2019 Newsletter

Dear Readers: Missed an article? Here’s a quick round up of some of our favorites from this month! As always, we look forward to presenting you with up to date news and information about holistic events, health and well being from both the scientific and the spiritual perspectives, nutrition, vegan lifestyles, and more.

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Tarot for Self-Transformation by Sahar Huneidi

During December of last year, I was invited by my friend and colleague, Nathalie Khalaf, to give a short introductory workshop in Dubai on Tarot, before her main workshop on creating vision boards. I looked for a link between the two subject natters to make my introduction relevant to her subject; and it dawned on me it is the visual images of the tarot deck.

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The Dangers of 5G: The Price for Speed May Be Too High

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A Year Milestone for the Unlikely Vegan by Phil Shainmark

| by Phil Shainmark

What a year it’s been – or pretty close to a year. I’m not 100% sure I can nail down a solid date. But we’ll call it a year. This Vegan thing has certainly been an adjustment, but now I don’t even think twice about it. And as I go out and do more and more things, I continuously think to myself, “Gods, I’m glad I don’t eat that stuff anymore.” I’ve been to a few new (for me) Vegan restaurants in town. One was VegeNation (S. Eastern Ave. Henderson, NV). The staff were awesome and the food was excellent. I had cauliflower buffalo wings, which I always thought was ridiculous, but it was really tasty.

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