Celebrating Lammas – A Day of Harvest by Lisa Karmen

August 1 in the Celtic Calendar is Lammas – a day of celebration of the first of the harvest; energetically it is a time for gathering in and giving thanks for abundance.

The Sun has already hit its zenith for 2019 and is slowly moving away from the planet. And while the summer light still lasts late into the evening in the northern hemisphere the days are getting shorter. Our bodies and consciousness feel the tug towards the darkness that will come… and so we celebrate the bounty instinctively knowing that the fullness of the present harvest holds the seeds of the future harvest… for next year’s harvest…

2020 will be a powerful year indeed as the foundation for our future will be energetically conceived and made manifest as the outer planets travel the heavens in new partnership… and while the tug towards this new energy is tickling our subconscious selves it is still months away…

So, in the here and now, take a moment this week on Wednesday 7/31 to tune into your heart and listen to what your higher self is saying as the New Moon occurs in Leo and Mercury, Messenger of the Gods, turns direct…it is a powerful moment in this year of unbridled creativity….

Creativity you say?  Ha! It’s been more like angst and chaos…

True… 2019 has been a challenging year thus far… but remember, chaos is what stars are born from!

So do not flag in your faith that the universe is ultimately always supporting our highest good – open your heart (LEO) to this universal truth and commit to embracing its reality… and give thanks that you are still standing… and breathing… and that the promise of the future is already seeded and guiding you forward.

Happy Harvesting!

Lisa Karmen is an astrologer, artist and teacher living in New York City. She has a lifelong interest in wellness and has studied Green Medicine at the NY Open Center, Bach Flower Remedies, and Homeopathy. Lisa is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts with a focus in Psychology, Mythology, and Ceramic Art.www.selketconsulting.com


Merlian News July 2019 Newsletter

Dear Readers: Missed an article? Here’s a quick round up of some of our favorites from this month! As always, we look forward to presenting you with up to date news and information about holistic events, health and well being from both the scientific and the spiritual perspectives, nutrition, vegan lifestyles, and more.

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When Scientists Have Mystical Experiences

| by Merlian News

What happens when a scientist has a spiritual experience? When the skeptic has his or her eyes opened? When the rational comes up against the seemingly irrational? Lately we’ve been reading serious accounts of just these events. Our favorite new website is www.issc-taste.org . Originally created by Charles Tart, the website has become a real resource and a treasure house of true stories of scientist’s mystical experiences. The stories are fascinating and many readers who have had similar experiences will recognise the details of the events recounted.

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