How Diablo Became Spirit by Anna Breytenbach

From the website we read: We are delighted to announce a special storytime with Anna Breytenbach and Andrew Newman, co-authors of How Diablo became Spirit. Based on a true story, this wonderful tale for kids ages 5-12,tells of the difficult journey of Spirit the black leopard from his own point of view.

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A Conversation with Ellen Meredith, author of The Language Your Body Speaks

Energy healing is based on the premise that energy is our essence and that while our bodies appear to be solid, they are in fact a constantly swirling set of energetic exchanges. In The Language Your Body Speaks: Self-Healing with Energy Medicine (New World Library, May 5, 2020), author Ellen Meredith, an energy medicine practitioner with over 35 years of experience, teaches readers how to speak the energetic language of the body, mind, and spirit through simple experiments, exercises, and practices. We hope you’ll enjoy this interview with her about the book.

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The Zoom Epidemic by Marc Grossman, OD, LAc

What is the most common theme among everyone today from students, gas station attendants, doctors, teachers, family gatherings, etc? They are all on their computers or phones as a way to connect with each other. Here are ways to help reduce some of the negative effects that your omputer /cell phones can have on you…

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Reduce Bone-Harming Cortisol by Eating these 6 Foods by Vivian Goldschmidt

| by Merlian News

I know that stress has been scientifically proven to damage bone, but I am also realistic. I recognize that there will never be a time in my life that is completely stress-free. That’s just life! Here’s the good news. Scientific evidence clearly shows that nutrition is a powerful weapon against stress. It’s such a simple, effective, and tasty solution to this all-too-common problem! That alone helps me feel less stressed. So today, I am going to share with you six delicious Foundation Foods and will show you how they effectively reduce stress. From

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Lucid Dreaming & Astral Travel in the Early Church by Robert Moss

| by Robert Moss

Early fathers of the Christian church were in favor of active dreaming and astral travel. Tertullian, who famously observed that “most people derive their knowledge of God from dreams” urged Christians who found themselves in captivity, perhaps on the way to martyrdom, to get out and about in their astral bodies: Though the body is shut in, though the flesh is confined, all things are open to the spirit. In spirit, then, roam abroad; in spirit walk about, not setting before you shady paths or long colonnades, but the way which leads to God.

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The List of Benefits of Curcumin Keeps Growing

| by Merlian News

Curcumin is a naturally occurring compound found in the spice turmeric that has been used for centuries as an Ayurvedic medicine treatment for such ailments as allergies, diabetes and ulcers. To date it is one of the most studied natural compounds in modern medicine. Now curcumin and turmeric have been linked with lowering high cholesterol, acting as a steroid-like anti-inflammatory on arthritis and a variety of immune disorders, preventing Alzheimer’s, and inducing cell death in cancerous cells. From Dr. Andrew Weil to Dr. Joseph Mercola, from Dr. Oz to Deepak Chopra, physicians and dieticians have been recommending curcumin to their patients for years.

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