Mysterious Realities by Robert Moss

I have enjoyed and benefited from all of Robert Moss’ books over the years, but Mysterious Realities: A Dream Traveler’s Tales from the Imaginal Realm may be my new favorite. This collection of “just so stories,” as the author calls it, is fresh, intimate, and surprisingly topical. If you’re like me and find these current times murky, dense, and difficult to navigate, you need this book.

Moss, the creator of Active Dreaming, is a master at walking between worlds and taking us with him. This collection of dream tales (his own and other’s) open new portals for the reader to worlds of myth and magic, imagination and synchronicity. If you’re familiar with active or lucid dreaming, this will take you to the next level – if you’re not, this will initiate you and turn you into an eager student at “night school.” I believe the very act of reading the book will jump start the process, and send you on your journey beyond time through parallel worlds and lives.  And the teachers! The gods and goddesses, totem animals and real spirits that may show up to guide or teach you are indeed, wonderful and mysterious.

Pay special attention to the stories about breaking through and dreaming in these turbulent, dense times. If it seems more important than ever now to create the world we want, then to do that we have to first dream it. I believe Mysterious Realities is the roadmap to those realms where the real work gets done.

Robert Moss gives lectures and leads workshops all over the world. You can visit his website at

Youtube- Present! – Dreaming with Robert Moss (part one)

Youtube- Present! – Dreaming with Robert Moss (part two)


Wheels of Change: a Teen Empowers the Homeless and Cleans Up San Diego

Wheels of Change is a work program for the homeless that a teenager, Kevin Barber, launched with Alpha Project and Mayor Faulconer in San Diego, February 2018. Kevin was recently featured on CNN’s “Champions for Change” series. Through his “Wheels of Change” program, Barber empowers homeless people to work their way into better lives by earning fair wages cleaning San Diego’s public spaces.

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Interested in Spirituality & Self-Discovery? Try Path 11 TV

Are you on a spiritual path? Are you fascinated by questions of consciousness, the afterlife, UFOs, ghosts, meditation, alternative medicine, paranormal, and mysterious insights? Do you wish there was just one place where you could find the kind of films, television series, lectures, conferences, interviews, and documentaries that focus on the unseen world? Path 11 TV is that place – a new TV network focusing on self-discovery and spiritual awareness.

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Merlian News September 2020 Newsletter

Dear Readers: Missed an article? Here’s a quick round up of some of our favorites from this month! As always, we look forward to presenting you with up to date news and information about holistic events, health and well being from both the scientific and the spiritual perspectives, nutrition, vegan lifestyles, and more.

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Bumps & Lumps of the Eye (Styes & Chalazion): An Integrative Medical Approach

A stye is an infection of the eyelid caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. It tends to be smaller and more superficial than a meibomian gland abscess (chalazion). A stye can result in swelling on the inside or outside of the eyelid or cause a general eyelid inflammation. If the external portion of the eyelid is swollen, the stye involves inflammation of a hair follicle and its associated glands. Swelling on the underside of the eyelid involves the oil glands (meibomian glands). The swelling increases for about a week or so and then generally begins to subside, sometimes rupturing.

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Set Your Sails to Fulfill Your True Mission by Serina Aramaki

In Buddhism, the term “Buddha-nature” describes the concept that human beings are created by God and that we have the same nature as God, or Buddha, within us. It tells us we are all equal and that every one of us has an ability to create and design our future. However, how many of us truly know what we are here to create? How many can say, “I know my purpose, and I’m living for it?” Staying true to our mission in life is key to staying the course through life’s storms

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