– A Real Resource

Check out this wonderful resource: Practitioners can share events, join the holistic directory, read articles and post questions to their experts. LinkHolistic is now the leading holistic professional and community site, featuring teacher events, practitioner listings, group support and holistic forums.

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A Conversation with Bridgit Dengal Gaspard, author of The Final 8th

No one enjoys being stuck and the misery is amplified when we have accomplished multiple steps toward a cherished goal — whether breaking a bad habit, losing weight, building a business, finding a mate, or finishing a degree — but just can’t seem to complete it. In The Final 8th: Enlist Your Inner Selves to Accomplish Your Goals, author and therapist Bridgit Dengel Gaspard calls this demoralizing quandary when someone is so close to the finish line but just can’t seem to cross it “the final 8th” and introduces a powerful technique called voice dialogue to help readers recognize and overcome internal blocks that are preventing them from achieving their goals.   We hope you’ll enjoy this short Q and A with Bridgit about the book.

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A Mask by Stephen Thomson

| by Stephen Thomson

Masks have their purpose throughout the ages for many reasons and occasions… In the COVID-19 era, wearing a mask for health reasons is creating significant support and opposition around the country. The media is filled with stories each day of people expressing their views. The facts are reasonably conclusive that wearing a mask offers additional support in maintaining good health during these challenging times due to the pandemic. Yet, there continues to be a lot of debate to support and oppose mask usage. What are the material and spiritual concerns about wearing a mask that has created such a deep emotional response?

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