In the Season of Giving, Food Banks Need Your Help

For many, simply putting food on the table has become a struggle. As reported in the Washington Post, the United States is facing a shortage of up to 8 billion meals in the next 12 months. According to the food bank network Feeding America, the result of soaring hunger amid the COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased demand at food banks.

We’ve all seen the images on TV: hundreds of cars queued up in mile long lines, waiting for a box of groceries; people lined up outside of soup kitchens; volunteers unloading trucks of produce, cereal, and milk. According to the USDA, even before the pandemic hit, some 13.7 million households, or 10.5% of all U.S. households, experienced food insecurity at some point during 2019. The coronavirus pandemic has only worsened the problem. According to one estimate by researchers at Northwestern University, food insecurity more than doubled as a result of the economic crisis brought on by the outbreak, hitting as many as 23% of households earlier this year. Families that never needed help before cannot make ends meet this year.

If you can’t make a financial donation, you can still help out. Groceries still need to be collected, moved, repacked, and distributed. The Feeding America network is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization. They emphasize that donors, staff, and volunteers all play an important role in the effort to end hunger in the United States.

Find your local food bank on Feeding America

Feeding Westchester

Feeding Connecticutt

Food bank of the Hudson Valley

New Year’s Resolutions That Can Help Animals

The New Year is the perfect time to adopt a resolution that will help animals. Whether you want to pledge to go veg or cleanup for wildlife, we’ve got a whole host of awesome ideas and advice to help you achieve your goals.

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To a Boy Who Found Out It Wasn’t Santa Who Brought the Presents by Robert Moss

I remembered a conversation in which I suggested that the original Santa was a shaman of the Sami, a reindeer-herding people of Lapland, reputed to have the power to call up the winds and fly through the air, and that the reason his coat is red is that it was the flayed skin of a reindeer. I have seen Sami drums with images of a shaman flying through the three tiers of the shamanic cosmos on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. But while there is a rich ethnography on Sami shamanism, I could think of no source that would be suitable for a young boy. So I took on the assignment of writing my own version of the first Santa, addressed to a boy in danger of losing his belief in Christmas magic.

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The Spirit of Christmas by Annamaria Hemingway

| by Annamaria Hemingway

All the rituals involved at Christmas and the image of the tree sparkling with light is a mythological celebration that gives rise to a form of living psychic energy, which manifests from the ancient symbolism of the light. So, as we gather with our families and friends, and exchange gifts around the Christmas tree, we have the opportunity to reflect and rekindle the magical childhood awareness within ourselves of the true spirit of Christmas. For as the old year comes to a close, and a new year heralds unbound possibilities for growth and celebration of life, we are reminded of the birth that brought “tidings of great joy” and the promise of the everlasting life of the soul.

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Merlian News December 2021 Newsletter

Here’s a quick round up of some of our favorite articles from this month! As always, we look forward to presenting you with up to date news and information about holistic events, health and well being from both the scientific and the spiritual perspectives, nutrition, vegan lifestyles, and more.

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Already Here – A Doctor Discovers the Truth About Heaven by Leo Galland, MD

Already Here tells of the death of Leo Galland’s son, Christopher, at the age of 22; the direct visual evidence Christopher showed him that our souls do go on; and the communications he received from Christopher’s spirit that dramatically changed Leo’s understanding of life and its meaning.

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Merlian News Podcast Interview with Master Stephen Co: Part 2

Master Steven Co continues his discussion with Merryn Jose, highlighting powerful breathing exercises and the value of high energy foods. Stephen Co is a master of the Life Force energy. The “miracles” that Master Co performs are nature’s certain response to the conscious direction of our life force energy ( Chi or Prana ). This subtle knowledge has evolved in the Orient over thousands of years. These ancient mysteries have been organized into a clear-cut science by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, and are taught in the West by his senior disciple, Master Stephen Co. This system is called Pranic Healing.

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Yoga Science Teaches Us How to Transform Energy by Leonard Perlmutter

You learned in grade school science class that energy can appear in either the potential or kinetic form. The electricity in the wiring of your home is available for any use you choose. When you turn a light switch to the “on” position, energy appears in the form of light. This is the kinetic state because the energy is being used or expended. However, when you turn the light switch to the “off” position, the energy remains in the potential state–ready to be used at the flick of a switch.

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Sunlight, Lack of Anti-oxidants, & Eye Disease by Dr. Marc Grossman, OD, LAc

It is generally accepted among health providers that sunlight, blue light in the visible spectrum, are contributing factors to the development of macular degeneration – and use of wrap around sunglasses, amber in color, is the foremost recommendation for macular degeneration patients.

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Guardian Energies of Place: What Do They Feel? by Tim Walter

Guardian energies of place can be engaged in conversation just like a human being. We can have conversations with any of them, if necessary using dowsing. They are always willing to share their perspective on their awareness and seem to view our questions with patience and acceptance. They are after all, an aspect of the overall collective consciousness just like us, but they are being expressed in a different dimension that overlaps ours.

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