The Amazing Aloe Vera Plant: Not Just for Sunburn

For thousands of years Chinese, Indian, and Egyptian healers revered the healing properties of aloe vera, using it to treat a wide variety of ailments. Here in the West, most people have only ever used it to soothe a sunburn. That may be changing now as the pharmaceutical and food industries catch up on the latest research. Most people use aloe gel as a remedy for skin conditions, including burns, sunburn, frostbite, psoriasis and cold sores, but there are a host of other aloe vera benefits.

One of the key active ingredients that distinguishes aloe vera from other plants is acemannon. From the website we read: Acemannan is a complex polysaccharide found in the inner leaf gel of the aloe plant. It is the specific component that sets Aloe Vera apart from the 400 other species of aloe plants. Acemannan contains many nutritional qualities and is immensely responsible for all of the health benefits that Aloe Vera offers.

These include the following:

  • Helps cells to be more resistant to viruses and pathogenic bacteria
  • Improves overall cellular metabolism and functioning
  • Promotes healthy inflammation response
  • Provides critical lubrication of joints
  • Aids in the absorption of water, minerals, and nutrients in the GI tract
  • Reduces pain
  • Improves vascular flow
  • Reduces scarring
  • Increases the body’s own production of interferon, interleukins
  • Increase the number of antibody forming T-cells in the spleen
  • Increases the number and activity of killer T-cell and increase monocyte activity
  • Soothes and promotes healing of intestinal disorders such as indigestion, heartburn, hyper-acidity, peptic and udodenal ulcers, colitis, and hemorrhoids
  • Promotes healthy kidney function
  • Speeds wound healing
  • Reduces allergic reactions
  • Stimulates bone marrow activity
  • Anti-aging properties
  • Supports healthy blood pressure

All this in a single plant! Of course there are many ways to use aloe vera, both externally and internally. It can be juiced, added to a smoothie, sliced and rubbed on the skin, taken as an extract in pill or liquid form, and more. It’s important to research the best method, and how often you should take it, for what you are trying to treat.  Always make sure you are using fresh, organic plants or companies that feature natural, organic products.

See also: Dr. Michael Haley, owner of Stockton Aloe, discusses with Chris Wark the amazing healing properties of aloe vera, and why Stockton Aloe is the best aloe on the market (video).

Dr. Mercola on What is Aloe Good For?

Aloe Vera Benefits as a Nutritious Dietary Superfood (Video from Superfood Evolution)


Klaus Heinemann On Orbs & Entities

| by Hazel Courtney

‘If you change your TV channel, you switch to different frequencies, which contain different information. It’s illogical to think that what we cannot see is not real, because the human eye is able to receive only a very narrow part of the light spectrum. Many animals can see in spectrums invisible to us.’.. As Professor Heinemann summarised: ‘Research into orbs is only in its infancy. But the photographs of these spirit emanations offer evidence – as close to scientific proof as we have ever come – in proving the existence of spiritual reality.’

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Merlian News July 2021 Newsletter

Here’s a quick round up of some of our favorite articles from this month! As always, we look forward to presenting you with up to date news and information about holistic events, health and well being from both the scientific and the spiritual perspectives, nutrition, vegan lifestyles, and more.

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Vision Yoga by Marc Grossman O.D., L.Ac.

What is yoga? “Union” is the literal translation from sanskrit. Tradition tells us that there are several paths to union (not only physical postures) and the practice of them lead to mind, body and spirit integration. From my point of view, these facets of life combined together, enhance not only well-being, but physical health. Yoga leads us to a basic tenet of mind/body unity. If the mind is chronically ill-at-ease one’s physical health suffers. Conversely, if the body experiences ill health, then clarity and strength of mind are adversely impacted. Yoga practice can offset these negative consequences and restore physical and mental health..

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Merlian News Podcast Interview With Dr. William Tiller

| by Merlian News

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How Clean Is Your Biofield? Recognizing and eliminating EMF in your environment

| by Merlian News

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