Qigong Master Entrances Animals, Puts them to Sleep

Japanese Qigong Master Kanzawa Sensei manipulates qi (or chi), the subtle energy that animates all living things. Long associated with healing, meditation, feats of strength and the martial arts,  Kanzawa Sensei uses his mind and talent in a different way. First televised on Stan Lee’s series, “Superhumans,” viewers watched as he put several animals to sleep, including alpaca and buffalo, using just his mind and qi energy. When asked how he was doing this, Kanzawa replied, “I exchange energy with the animals, and then they go to sleep.”

In the video with the alpacas, the reporter and the owner watched in amazement as Kanzawa began to relax the restless herd by sending them energy. Within minutes all the animals, including the usually vigilant leader of the pack, folded their legs and sank to the ground in sleep. The owner said she had never seen anything like it, particularly noting that the lead female, as head of the herd, always stayed awake to watch over them. Later in the same video, Kanzawa visits a buffalo ranch and repeats the same exercise in front of the owner and a veterinarian. Both were shocked as the buffalo, normally dangerous and unapproachable, allowed Kanzawa Sensie to draw near and soon relaxed on the ground in front of him.

The website www.wakingtimes.com noted: “Qigong is the practice of cultivating the energy, and Japanese chi master, Kanzawa Sensei is known for his ability to control animals with the power of his mind and chi, a rare and extraordinary example of the powers of Qigong. By standing near animals, concentrating his mind, and manipulating chi with his hands, he has demonstrated that he can calm, entrance, and even put to sleep many animals, including buffalo, elephants, even ostriches.”


The practice of manipulating qi energy dates back thousands of years, and forms the basis of most martial arts as well as many Chinese healing traditions, such as Jin Shin Jyutzu, and acupuncture or acupressure. Originally developed as a martial art, Tai Chi has long been associated with healing and enhanced longevity.  Recent Masters have included Mantak Chia, Plan Yu, and Mingtong Gu.

Delay or Reverse Aging with Qigong, Meditation, Yoga and More

Cooking With Qi & Conquering Any Disease

Photo image: wakingtimes.com

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