Reports from the Other Side: Geraldine Cummins and F.W.H. Myers by Robert Moss

| by Robert Moss

“She came from the same Anglo-Irish milieu as William Butler Yeats, and wrote two plays that were performed at his beloved Abbey Theatre. Her mentor was the famous Irish medium Hester Dowden, said to have been the model for the psychic in Yeats’ spirited one-act play The Words Upon the Window-Pane. When she started practicing as a psychic medium, Yeats was one of the first people to consult her. Her name was Geraldine Cummins, and her life story as author, suffragette, medium and possible secret agent during World War II, is quite fascinating.”

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The Apprentice Cards from Monique Fay, Photographer & Healer

Monique Fay is a pioneer and a visionary in the fields of photography and healing. Her practice, based in Santa Barbara, CA, offers a unique synthesis of skills, wisdom and experience. She is the author of The Book of Fay and has just released The Apprentice Cards, a wonderful set of healing cards geared toward inspiring insight and personal transformation. The photos are stunning, and the experience of working with them immersive and powerful.

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A Sacred Garden Primer by Jan Johnsen

| by Jan Johnsen

‘Sacred gardens’ is my term for outdoor spaces designed specifically to promote a communion with Spirit through attunement with nature. Gardens designed to enhance a person’s awareness can be both beautiful and transcendent. Just as a walk in the woods can be much more than a pleasant stroll, so can a pretty garden be more than just a lovely place. The difference is both in the appreciation and awareness of the visitor and the intent of the garden maker.

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Merlian News Podcasts with Teresa Hale on Meditation

| by Merlian News

Teresa Hale began teaching Meditation and Yoga over 40 years ago. Her exploration in this field led to the creation of The Hale Clinic – the world’s leading complementary health center, where she continued to deepen her understanding and practice of Meditation and Yoga. Teresa has had direct experience of how Meditation can be applied to a whole range of situations including Health, Creativity, Mental Ability, Reduction of Stress, the Workplace and Scientific Research. She also has a deep interest in the Philosophical and Spiritual aspects of Meditation.

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Merlian News Podcast Interview with Master Stephen Co: Part 1

| by Merlian News

In Part 1 of this interview , Master Co talks with Merryn Jose about pranic healing. Stephen Co is a master of the Life Force energy. The “miracles” that Master Co performs are nature’s certain response to the conscious direction of our life force energy ( Chi or Prana ). This subtle knowledge has evolved in the Orient over thousands of years. These ancient mysteries have been organized into a clear-cut science by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, and are taught in the West by his senior disciple, Master Stephen Co. This system is called Pranic Healing.

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