Abundant Life: Co-create Your Destiny by Peter Gruenewald, MD

In our “Abundant Life Meditation”, we encourage people to use two affirmative mantras that allow us to daily connect with the source of our inner “Abundant Life”, which is our Higher Self, which can access all our developmental potential in free choice, embrace it with love and manifest it through visualisation and actions, creating new life circumstances. And with these affirmations we also deeply connect during this meditation with the other source of creation, the source of creation of cosmos, nature, and humanity. It’s also the creative universal spirit of nature and human destiny, to which we connect in our meditation.

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Is There an ‘All Natural’ Alternative to Antibiotics? by Susun Weed

There are good reasons to use antibiotic drugs. That said, most physicians and healthcare professionals agree that they are often overused. The overuse of antibiotics has created “superbugs” that are immune to the most common antibiotics. But on a more personal level, antibiotics can wreak havoc on your own immune system and gastrointestinal tract. The good news is that there is an all-natural alternative to antibiotics that I’ve found to be very effective.

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Spiritual Experiences in Lucid Dreams by Clare R. Johnson, author of Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming

In lucid dreams, we are aware that we are dreaming, and with this awareness, we can guide and shape the dream, or go with the flow of events. We may find ourselves flying over magnificent vistas, breathing underwater, transforming into an eagle, hugging a much missed deceased friend, or simply soaking up the astonishingly real imagery and sensations of being conscious in a dream world. When we engage lucidly with our dreams, we illuminate them from within.

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Top 10 Tips to Protect Your Eyes from the Sun by Marc Grossman, OD, LAc

The skin and the eyes are the two parts of the body that get direct contact with the sun. The sun’s rays can burn the outer layers of the eyes, just as the rays can burn the skin. Sunglasses help your eyes filter light and they protect the eyes from ultraviolet light that may contribute to conditions such as-cataracts and macular degeneration.

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