Dandelions May be the Health Boost You Need

It’s spring and that means our favorite pesky weed is about to make its appearance! Before you eradicate those interlopers you may want to try something different.  Dandelion, both leaves and roots, whether grown wild or cultivated, is full of medicinal benefits. The greens can be chopped into salad, cooked like spinach, or added to juicing, while the root form can be used to make an infusion/tea or extract. 

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The Story of Wilhelm Reich by Michael Mannion

The story of Wilhelm Reich offers both an inspiring lesson—and an instructive warning—for those who seek a deeper understanding of our world and, even more so, for those who would change the status quo. Conflict was prominent in Reich’s life, as was great courage. In the 1920s, he came into conflict with Freud in his inner circle. In the 1930s, as a political and social activist fighting for human freedom, he battled both Hitler and Stalin, each of whom put Reich on their death lists. In the 1940s, Reich was an early critic of the domination of American medicine by the pharmaceutical industry.

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Merlian News Podcasts with Robert Moss About Coincidences & Synchronicities – Part 2

| by Merlian News

Robert Moss, a lifelong dream explorer who survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanic techniques for empowerment and healing. He is a former university professor of ancient history at the Australian National University, also a bestselling novelist, shamanic counselor, and the author of five books on dreaming. Robert gives lectures and leads workshops all over the world. You can visit his website at www.mossdreams.com.

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Animal Spirituality

| by Marc Bekoff, Ph.D.

Do animals have spiritual experiences? Yes they do! We’re not the only spiritual beings by Marc Bekoff, Ph.D. in Animal EmotionsIn conjunction with Psychology Today blogger, Steven Kotler, I’ve been pondering whether nonhuman animals (“animals”) have spiritual experiences and are they religious.

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