Merlian News November 2023 Newsletter

Here’s a quick round up of some of our favorite articles from this month! As always, we look forward to presenting you with up to date news and information about holistic events, health and well being from both the scientific and the spiritual perspectives, nutrition, vegan lifestyles, and more.

This Month’s Recommended Merlian News Articles:

Merryn’s Musings by Merryn Jose
Earthing: Reconnecting with the Power of the Earth
I first heard of “Earthing,” the concept of connecting to and gaining energy from direct contact with the Earth, several years ago. I learned that the ancient yogis and Christian mystics knew about this great source of power and for that reason developed practices that involved going out into caves or the desert and sleeping on the ground. It not only improved their meditations but reportedly healed sickness and extended longevity.

Liminal Moments by Cheryl Shainmark
The Science of Gratitude: It’s Not Just for Thanksgiving Anymore
We all know that we should be thankful for what we have, hopefully not just at Thanksgiving, but all the time. But did you know that it can be good for you as well? Research shows that the more you practice an attitude of gratefulness, the greater the effect. Gratitude confers a multitude of benefits, such as increased health, social connectedness, feelings of well-being and energy, as well as decreased feelings of depression, greed and envy and decreased substance abuse.

The Science is In: Meditation Affects Aging and Telomere Length

Science is all about precision, controlled studies, and measurable, repeatable results. So for years researchers resisted working on alternative practices such as meditation, dismissing the few studies done as “fuzzy science,” “subjective,” or “impossible to duplicate.” But as research methods have advanced, so has the accuracy of the latest research. There is ample evidence now that stress leads to increased risk of health problems and that meditation reduces stress. What’s new are the studies showing how stress is related to aging and telomere length.

Q&A with Scott Stabile, Author of Enough As You Are

In a world dominated by the relentless pursuit of self-improvement, author Scott Stabile’s new book Enough as You Are offers a refreshing perspective on self-acceptance by empowering readers to find contentment in their inherent worth. We hope you’ll enjoy this Q&A with Scott about the book.


Website of the Month

Bioneers: Restoring People and Planet

Bioneers is an innovative nonprofit educational organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and the planet. Founded in 1990 by social entrepreneurs Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons, Bioneers has acted as a hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges. Their programs include radio shows, podcasts, youth fellowship, women’s leadership, and more.

Thank you once more, for your positive feed back and support!

Merryn Jose – Editor In Chief & Publisher
Cheryl Shainmark – Senior Editor

Bioneers: Restoring People and Planet

Bioneers is an innovative nonprofit educational organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and the planet. Founded in 1990 by social entrepreneurs Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons, Bioneers has acted as a hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges. Their programs include radio shows, podcasts, youth fellowship, women’s leadership, and more.

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Earthing: Reconnecting with the Power of the Earth

I first heard of “Earthing,” the concept of connecting to and gaining energy from direct contact with the Earth, several years ago. I learned that the ancient yogis and Christian mystics knew about this great source of power and for that reason developed practices that involved going out into caves or the desert and sleeping on the ground. It not only improved their meditations but reportedly healed sickness and extended longevity.

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Coyote Wisdom: The Power of Story in Healing by Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona

| by Cheryl Shainmark

According to the author, we each contain our own hidden wisdom for how to change or heal, but it is the healer’s job to pull that knowledge out. The right story challenges our hidden assumptions, (that change is not possible, or that there is no way out or only one way out), by presenting us with new possibilities. Mehl-Madrona says that stories are alchemy — if we hear enough stories about transformation then we can’t help but transform. This is powerful stuff, as is the idea that biology follows context — and Coyote Wisdom is a beautiful and powerful book.”

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