Check Out – An Incredible Resource

One of the best aspects of my work here at Merlian News is introducing people to the news, food, products, cutting edge science, and leading minds that can help improve our lives and enhance our spiritual growth. Some of our readers dearly love the science we present, while others write in to say that they were most touched by the articles on spirituality or paranormal phenomena. This month I think I’ve found something for everybody in

This wonderful resource is a UK based TV channel broadcasting on the Internet. Iain McNay and his wife, Renate, conduct the most amazing, thoughtful interviews with some of the leading minds in a variety of fields. As it says on their website: “ aims to stimulate debate, question, enquire, inform, enlighten, encourage and inspire people in the areas of Consciousness, Science, Non-Duality and Spirituality.”

I’ve been listening to Mr. McNay’s inteviews for several weeks now, and I still can’t speak highly enough about them. Interviews have featured Matthew Manning, Peter Russell, Andrew Harvey, and others. Iain McNay also moderated a group discussion on “Consciousness & Evolution”with Chris Parish, Dave Pendle and Patrick Bryson. Check out these and other great interviews online and, if you’re like me, you’ll still be thinking and talking about them hours later.

Merlian News Podcasts with Dr. John L. Turner

In this podcast, Dr. Turner speaks with Merryn Jose about: the difference between a neurologist and a neurosurgeon. The dramatic story of a woman patient during surgery and how the miraculous happened. He also discusses his introduction to the work of Edgar Cayce. Other topics include the big shift from physics to metaphysics to neurosurgery, remote viewing, communication through dreams, E.V.P.’s (Electronic Voice Phenomena), radio sweeping, and life after death. Dr. Turner explains how he meditates by practicing present moment awareness.

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