ACISTE: American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences

If you’re one of the thousands of people who have experienced the unexplainable – a near death experience, an out of body moment, a vision, or other extraordinary phenomena that has changed your life – then you know that it can be difficult to share that experience with others, or even fully understand it your self. Fortunately, there are resources now that can help. One of the best is ACISTE, the American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences.

This website, established in 2009, offers articles, research, and access to counselors as well as several forums for answering questions and receiving support from others who have had similar experiences.

From their website we read: “Our mission is to address the integration needs and further the well-being of those who have had near-death or similar spiritually transformative experiences through research, education and support. Our vision is to create safe, readily accessible programs that facilitate experiencers on their paths to deeper understanding, greater clarity of purpose and greater sense of well-being while supporting them through their dramatic changes and integration phases.”

Dr. Paul Bernstein, one of the advisory board members for ACISTE, has written extensively about the value of STEs and their importance for science.  He is a researcher, writer and activist in two pathways: extending formal science to include realities of transcendental experience, and uncovering and applying humane and democratic forms of politics. Dr. Bernstein has personally explored spiritually transformative experiences through meditation, training in mediumship, the Findhorn spiritual community, est, the Silva program, yoga, Tai Chi, transpersonal psychology, and dolphin-interaction programs. With other scientists his ongoing work is to help expand science’s understanding of the relationships between consciousness and matter, and between ‘subjective’ experience and ‘objective’ events. He is a researcher, writer and activist extending formal science to include realities of transcendental experience.

See also: The Archive of Scientists’ Transcendental Experiences

Keeping Up Your Kidney Energy For Strong Bones by Mitzi Adams

Jin Shin Jyutsu® physio-philosophy is an ancient art of harmonizing the life energy in the body. This art brings balance to the body’s energies, allowing the body to function, feel better and heal more quickly. With the high occurrence of osteoporosis, osteopenia, and other fragile bone conditions, prescriptions for Fosamax and similar drugs are given routinely. There are other alternatives if you are willing to take the time and give this a try.

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Tired Eyes Linked to Brain Fog by Marc Grossman, OD, LAc

We’ve all experienced tired eyes, but did you know they are also linked to brain fog? Pinning down the cause can be tricky. Tired eyes is a common complaint. The possible causes include: computer eyestrain, lighting, improper eyeglasses, and more

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Can’t Get Out? Learn Qi Gong at Home with Lee Holden

For over 25 years Lee Holden has devoted his career to helping others learn the powerful principles of Qi Gong. Working in collaboration with Grand Master Mantak Chia, a Qi Gong expert, he has worked to bring the ancient Taoist practice to western culture. Lee Holden is an instructor in Qi Gong, meditation, and Tai Chi, and is a licensed acupuncturist. In addition to his international teaching and private practice, he works as a stress management consultant to several corporations, including Apple and 3Com.

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The Saturn-Saturn Cycle: Life in Three Acts (Part One) by Bill Herbst

Of all the longer term personal cycles in astrology, the one that is most familiar to people who know a little about astrology but not much (and often the only one) is the Saturn-Saturn cycle. Saturn-Saturn? Is that stuttering? No. It’s a code, a naming convention in technical astrology that indicates the transit cycle between Saturn as a moving body in the heavens (the first Saturn in the code) and the zodiacal position of Saturn at birth in a natal chart (the second Saturn).

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ECO-Meditation with Dawson Church, PhD

I was very impressed when I read Dawson Church‘s book, Mind to Matter. I had first learned about EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique, several years ago, even practiced it for awhile, but had lost interest and moved on. Reading this book brought it back in an invigorating new way. Like acupuncture and acupressure, EFT is a set of finger tapping techniques which utilize the body’s energy meridian points.

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Life is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age

| by Cheryl Shainmark

In his new book Life is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age Feiler notes that the idea that we’ll have one job, one relationship, one source of happiness for most of our lives is outdated, and that we now live in a non-linear world that forces us to make transitions. While this trend has been occurring for some time, what is new right now is that the whole world is going through these transitions at once. How we face these life altering changes, and what tools we can use to help the process these events is at the core of this book.

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