Merlian News March 2018 Newsletter
Dear Readers: This year promises to be an exciting one with new research and developments coming through almost daily in the fields of consciousness, science, spirituality, nutrition, activism, the environment, and more. We look forward to presenting our readers with up to date news and information, and we thank you for your support.
This Month’s Recommended Merlian News Articles:
Merryn’s Musings
Watkins Bookstore: Much More than Books
Watkins Books is an esoteric bookshop in the heart of London. Located just off Leicester Square, Watkins is a must see if you’re on your way to the museums or the theater. Established over 100 years ago, this is one of the world’s oldest independent bookshops specializing in new and antiquarian titles in the Mind, Body, Spirit field.
Liminal Moments by Cheryl Shainmark
Have You Seen the Garden of 1,000 Buddhas in Montana?
This video has lighted up our imaginations! Can you say road trip? Dateline NBC has captured the peaceful and sacred feeling of this wonderful site, called The Garden of a Thousand Buddhas. Located just north of Arlee, Montana, the multi-acre garden is nestled on a beautiful valley that is part of an Indian reservation for the Salish and Kootenai Tribes. Created through the visionary guidance of Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche, the Garden aligns positive properties of the physical world…
Manifestation 101 by Lisa Karmen
Lisa writes, “This week is potent. On Thursday, March 1st we have a full Moon in Virgo the sign of differentiation and the ability to analyze as well as the physical body. The spectrum of Virgo analysis ranges from discernment on the positive side to excessive criticism on the negative side. Virgo also symbolizes distillation, purity, and devotion to that which serves the higher good.”
Seed: A Story About Growing by Nancy Rosanoff
Nancy writes, “The story of Seed: a Story About Growing, was inspired by a life-long amazement of trees that grow on rocks with barely any soil. These trees not only defy the science of horticulture, they express unique beauty, resilience and creativity. Seed is also the story of an evolution that has occurred within my own life – from accepting the views of others regarding outward appearances of my life circumstances as wrong, or worthy of pity, to being able to trust and grow with the living soul that was unfolding within.”
A Merlian News Podcast Interview with Dr. William Tiller
Dr. William A. Tiller talks with Merryn Jose about his meetings with Muktananda as well as Jane Roberts and how he was fortunate enough to be able to converse with Seth. He discusses the importance of meditation and how it helped his scientific work. He explains his interest in the work of Edgar Cayce. Also his first hand experiences of observing telekinesis with the Russian Olga Kalugina, and much more. To download and listen to Part One, Click here
Website of the Month
Transformative Experiences
When Scientists Have Mystical Experiences
What happens when a scientist has a spiritual experience? When the skeptic has his or her eyes opened? When the rational comes up against the seemingly irrational? Lately we’ve been reading serious accounts of just these events. Our favorite new website is . Originally created by Charles Tart, the website has become a real resource and a treasure house of true stories of scientist’s mystical experiences. The stories are fascinating and many readers who have had similar experiences will recognise the details of the events recounted.
Thank you once more, for your positive feed back and support!
Merryn Jose – Editor In Chief & Publisher
Cheryl Shainmark – Senior Editor