7 Keys To Lifelong Sexual Vitality
Sexual energy is a universal fuel of life. It nourishes the human mind, body, and spirit. Besides diet and exercise, nothing will naturally enhance your health throughout your life more than remaining sexually active. Healthy sex is one of nature’s most potent medicines.
This book takes a fresh scientific look at the physiological and psychological benefits of sexual intimacy, especially when it occurs in relationship with a committed partner. The information in this book will show you how to transform the sexual act from a mindless pleasure into a mindful health principle.
Practical, non-biased, and comprehensive, Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement offer natural ways to boost libido, satisfaction and health. De-mystifying sex (and taking religion and politics out of the bedroom), the doctors discuss their clinically tested holistic approach to experiencing the multi-faceted benefits of intimacy.
Maintaining that good health leads to good sex and good sex can lead to good health, their suggestions are all-natural, can be put into practice by anyone, and require no drugs. The Clements view sexual energy as a universal fuel of life that nourishes mind, body, and spirit. They believe that remaining sexually active is one of the most effective ways to naturally enhance your health and your life.
They cover: health, nutrition, detoxification, and exercise tips for all ages – massage techniques to enhance intimacy and sexual function – tasty vegan recipes rich in sex-boosting nutrients – guided imagery and mindfulness to increase intimacy – tips and practices for awakening libido, resolving sexual dysfunction, and increasing satisfaction
“During our more than three decades directing the Hippocrates Health Institute, it has become increasingly clear to us that people who no longer have sexual intimacy in their lives tend to develop a range of health disorders, both physical and mental, more readily than those who remain sexually active. By contrast, our guests who have completed the Hippocrates program and continue its dietary regimen at home overwhelmingly report to us that their sex lives have improved beyond all measure.” Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement
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