Tuning into the Silence by Paul Mulliner

Consciousness in all of us is a single experiencing-space, a cosmic field. As we reach inward with a focus of attention, we can intuitively realize a conscious awareness which exists as one experiencing-space inside all of us, a single spatial-consciousness connecting us into the whole Universe. Our thoughts are transient patterns in the still surface of this fluid cosmic consciousness.

Knowing the Intelligent Cosmic Space by Paul Mulliner

You’re not a separate person. Neither am I. Although we have separate human bodies, the conscious awareness we all share with each other is a single field of cosmic intelligence, a spatial consciousness everywhere inside us and throughout the Universe. Each one of us is this cosmic spatial-intelligence continuously coming into existence as a human being.

Realizing the Transpersonal Self by Paul Mulliner

If we take a focus of attention inward regularly, we can realize intuitively that our conscious awareness, rather than being separate from the world as it seems to be, exists as a field of consciousness everywhere in all space. We can discover that awareness doesn’t just exist inside our own head but also extends into the space inside and around all of us, as a field-self or non-local self that we all participate in. This spatial consciousness extends throughout the Universe and is aware everywhere within itself. Inside each one of us, it’s providing a conscious awareness which is experienced through the context of our human eyes, ears and touch.

Relationship with the Silence by Paul Mulliner

The conventional explanation for the existence of consciousness is that it’s generated somehow by the brain. It’s possible though that the brain acts as a window into a field of consciousness which is present everywhere in the Universe. Indeed, if we gently hold a focus of attention in the inner core of ourselves, we can quite easily reach an intuitive realisation that the conscious awareness we have inside us exists also in the space around us. It seems that the ‘I am’ awareness which exists, apparently separately, inside each one of us is an intrinsic property of all space everywhere and is simultaneously present inside all of us.

The Tao of Being Human by Paul Mulliner

Many people assume that our consciousness, our conscious awareness of being alive as a human being, is created by the human brain. However, rather than creating consciousness, it’s possible that the brain interacts with and interprets a cosmic field of consciousness which exists as a fundamental and intrinsic element everywhere throughout the Universe, both inside us and all around us. This cosmic field of consciousness seems to have an inherent self-awareness, a self-knowing conscious awareness everywhere within itself that we can access and know intuitively if we pay attention to it.

Consciousness is Cosmic by Paul Mulliner

Consciousness, our capacity for conscious awareness, is cosmic not personal and it’s everywhere, inside and around all of us. An all-experiencing consciousness field-organism, a consciously aware space, exists everywhere throughout the Universe and inside all of us. This cosmic organism of consciousness provides all of us with our conscious awareness. Our human brain, immersed in this spatial consciousness, processes the data emerging from our body senses and places conscious field-awareness within the context of our unique human body.

Be the Space by Paul Mulliner

A cosmic field-consciousness organism in all space is experiencing life within every living being, everywhere in the Universe simultaneously. One conscious space exists everywhere, inside and around us and it’s where all seeing, knowing and experiencing occurs. Our brain is immersed in this cosmic field of all-experiencing consciousness, allowing each one of us a unique window into field-awareness.

Consciousness is Intrinsic in the Universe by Paul Mulliner

It’s easy, during our everyday life in the world, to forget how extravagantly remarkable a human being actually is. Several trillion complex biochemical reactions, all in sync with one another, are occurring throughout our human body every second. Across trillions of synapses in our brain, coherent and orchestrated neural processing generates the impression of a three dimensional world around us, using information from our senses of sight, hearing and touch. For many people, however this extraordinary reality is unknown.

Tuning in to the Field by Paul Mulliner

For me, the practise of Mindfulness refers to the process of taking a focus of attention inward so as to realise a non-conceptual consciousness which seems to exist in all space within and around us. This daily realisation can help us avoid becoming too wrapped up in our thinking and begin to know the Universe as the expression of a living consciousness field-organism which connects all of us as one being. Moving our attention inward allows us to know the presence of this consciousness and get an intuitive sense of it….

Fear of Death by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

If you could be sure that when you die, your consciousness goes right on living — that your soul essence cannot die — would you still be afraid of death? If you knew that you — not your ego you, but your true self — was immortal, would you be afraid of death? If you knew that you would see all your loved ones again, would you be afraid of death?