Josie RavenWing: Author, Healer, Poet, Teacher, & More

Josie RavenWing, MA, MFCC, has made the study of multi-cultural healing systems and spiritual paths her life’s work. She is an internationally known workshop presenter and author.

Josie RavenWing’s books include:

The Book of Miracles: The Healing Work of Joao de Deus which is about John of God’s work

A Season of Eagles which describes her shamanic adventures while living among the Navajo

The Return of Spirit: A Woman’s Call to Spiritual Action , which includes a lot of great info and practices for personal spiritual development and healing. A Season of Eagles by Josie RavenWingShe has also contributed to several book anthologies , including Magical Souveniers by Arielle Ford and Sacred Feathers by Maril Crabtree.

Josie began working 40 years ago as a pioneer in dance therapy and later as a psychotherapist with an eclectic and holistic approach. She spearheaded the holistic healing movement in Seattle in the early 1970s and co-created the first Masters level degree program in holistic healing in the U.S. at Antioch University in 1976.

In addition to her academic background, Josie is a strong channel of healing energy, and has studied energy healing (including Polarity Therapy, Reiki, and is certified as a Matrix Energetics practitioner) as well as shamanic and other spiritual paths since the late ’60s and has participated in a variety of ceremonies and spiritual initiations over the years.

Josie is also a poet (see one of her poems – “Song for the Journey” -in Michael Harner’s classic book on shamanism, The Way of the Shaman), a songwriter (three recorded music tapes) and ceremonial leader.

In her workshops and her books, RavenWing tends to focus on solutions rather than problems. “Energy follows our attention and intention,”she says, “and we can choose to direct our energy in ways that leave us endlessly recycling our problems or in ways that facilitate harmony and healing.”

Josie divides her time primarily between the U.S. and Brazil – where she works with John of God/Joao de Deus and has written a book, “The Book of Miracles: The Healing Work of Joao de Deus” on the miraculous experiences she and others have had at John of God’s spiritual healing center in central Brazil.

For more information, please visit

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Merlian News Podcasts With Heather Cumming: Part 2

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Josie has been teaching workshops in the fields of healing and spirituality since 1984 throughout the US and abroad, combining her background in psychology and her own inner guidance with knowledge and training from many world traditions. In addition to her workshops she offers powerful individual healing work and spiritual training upon request.