Two Recommended Newsletters

John Van AukenThere are two spiritual newsletters out that are well worth reading. The first, entitled Living in the Light, is edited by John Van Auken who was Director of the Edgar Cayce organization, also known as the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). Van Auken is a popular lecturer and guide for A.R.E.’s Sacred Site Tours program. ***image2***The second newsletter, Personal Spirituality, is prepared by Henry Reed. Known as the “Father of the Dreamwork Movement”, Reed specializes in dream interpreation and is also a Senior Fellow at the Edgar Cayce Institute of Intuitive Studies. Both newsletters are full of interesting pieces of information, much of it related to Edgar Cayce’s work. Many subjects are covered, i.e. dreams, life after death, kundalini awakenings, pole shifts, meditation and much more. I think you will find them an enjoyable and informative read. To order Living in the Light, please email request to: To order Spiritual Personality, please email request to:

by Merryn Jose
A professional spiritual intuitive, writer and teacher; who lives in Westchester, New York. She comes from a long lineage of practicing Celtic psychics. Her web site is a regularly updated resource of Holistic information concerning the development of the intuitive faculties, featuring podcast interviews with cutting edge minds on Merryn is also the Editor-in-Chief and publisher of the online magazine, Merlian News.