Your Personal Abundance and the Intuitive Arts by Katherine A. Gleason
***image1***Do you feel that you were born to be broke? Or perhaps you sense that you will never have enough, that you will never feel abundant. As a spiritually attuned person, deep down you may feel that money should be unimportant or that it is somehow anti-spiritual. But, nonetheless, you worry. If you add up all the time you have devoted to thinking about money and worrying about it, the hours and the energy you have put in probably add up to a staggering expenditure.
Instead of worrying about money, or the lack of it, why not take a step on the path toward your own abundance? It may help you to think of money as a form of energy. The actual currency–the physical objects that we use, like the dollar bill–represent units of energy. And in fact, the word “currency” comes from a Latin word which means “a flowing.” This word and the word “current,” which we usually think of in terms of electricity, both come from the same Latin word. So, you see money does have an energetic connection.
In addition, our English word money comes from a Latin word meaning money or mint which was derived from Moneta, a name for the goddess Juno. Juno, the queen of the gods, was associated with money because her temple in Rome was also the site of the mint where currency was made. Certainly, this connection can serve as evidence that the financial and the spiritual do in fact go together and that money can be a matter of spirit. And what better way to investigate a matter of energy and spirit than through the intuitive arts of astrology, tarot, and psychic intuition?
***image2***The intuitive arts can help you see and interpret the energy that is all around you. You can use the intuitive arts to determine what it is that you really want and what you truly value. The intuitive arts can help you appreciate what you already have–another important aspect of personal abundance. You also can use the tools of the intuitive arts to increase your awareness of your tendencies and reactions to events in the financial realm.
Once you become aware of your negative financial tendencies, you can work to change them. This new understanding of yourself will aid you on the path to reaching your financial goals. Know that no one–no matter what their astrological chart says, no matter what Tarot cards they consistently draw, no matter what dire forebodings their intuition picks up–is doomed to be perpetually broke.
We all have free will. Your cards, your stars, and your gut instincts can alert you to pitfalls and thus help you to avoid trouble. By the same token, these tools can alert you to opportunities and help you to be more open to them. If you are always telling yourself that you are broke or in financial trouble, stop. Change the channel and focus on what you do have. Allow the intuitive arts to give you new insights about yourself and the workings of the financial world. This information will help you grow, evolve, and change into a richer and more satisfying relationship with money and your own personal abundance.
Katherine A. Gleason is coauthor of The Intuitive Arts on Money: Use Astrology, Tarot, and Psychic Intuition to See Your Future (Alpha Books, 2003). To order this book from the publisher, call (800) 526-0275. Visit Katherine on the web:
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