All Is Made Beautiful: Native American Traditions With Warrior Woman Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf

Meet Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf, the internationally renowned Warrior Woman and elder of the Apache People. Long before the Green movement, Native Americans knew how to care for Mother Earth and her inhabitants. In this entertaining and educational film, Oh Shinnah demonstrates powerful yet easy-to-follow practices such as smudging, feathering, and food blessing.

All Is Made Beautiful: Native American Traditions With Warrior Woman Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf (2008)These ancient rituals will help you to: *Reduce stress and anxiety in your life *Center yourself and connect to those around you *Take charge and protect this planet for many generations to come Oh Shinnah also reveals what she considers her most important work today: The Journey of the Waters, a sacred pilgrimage following the Apache trail of purification and transformation.

Once a year, she and her most trusted student, Deep Arrow Woman, take an international group of non-native men and women on this journey through the mystical mountains and healing waters of New Mexico and Colorado.

The participants utilize the healing power of nature to transform their lives. This truly is Ancient Wisdom for Modern People. The documentary also features Nuclear Scientist and Astrophysicist Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, who validates multiple Native traditions from the scientific point of view.

You can see the film trailer here:

All Is Made Beautiful: Native American Traditions With Warrior Woman Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf (2008) DVD on

For more information on Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf, visit her website at

Merlian News Podcast Interviews with Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf

Merryn Jose has had the honor of interviewing Native American Elder, Spiritual Warrior Woman, Healer, Teacher, Visionary, & Ceremonialist, Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf ” Oh Shinnah’s teachers have been Elders of both North and South America. From her father’s people she inherits the traditions of the Tineh (the Shishindi, meaning People of the Forest, commonly known as Apache) From her mother’s people she inherits the traditions of the Mohawk and the Scots. From her great- grandmother she inherits traditions which may be older then time. Oh Shinnah is an elder of much Wisdom, and a warrior for the People of the Earth Mother, who is guaranteed to change your life.”

Oh Shinnah's father, who had hoped for a girl, educated her in his ancestors ways and had her complete all the physical, mental & spiritual training undertaken by the men of his Chiricahua Band of the Shishindi Nation (commonly known as Apache). In addition the young girl, who also bears a Mohawk lineage from her mother and a Scottish heritage from her maternal great grandfather, went through the Western educational system with ease and was a Ford Foundation scholar at the University of Chicago at age 14. Oh Shinnah holds a BA in Music Theory and an MA in Voice from Denver University, a BA in Clinical Psychology and a MA and honorary PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Chicago. Now in the Grandmother phase of her life, Oh Shinnah, who has both studied and taught with some of the best known Native elders, is a poet, songwriter, singer, activist and ceremonial leader. She is a two-time winner of the Chicago Critics Poetry Award, winner of the Helen Caldecott Humanitarian Award for Women and holds many other prestigious honors. Oh Shinnah has been a delegate to the U.N. Conferences on Human Environment, Spirituality, and the Decolonization of Indigenous People, and the World Conference of Spiritual Leaders.