Chia Seed Gel Smoothie by Fred Liers, PhD, and HPDI’s Kitchen Team
Chia Seeds contain soluble fiber, essential fats, protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. Grinding the seeds releases these nutrients for assimilation in your body, while the soluble fiber acts to slow the release of natural sugars (from the enzymatic breakdown of chia’s complex carbohydrates during digestion).
Because chia’s soluble fiber slows and regulates the uptake of glucose into the bloodstream, blood glucose levels rise evenly and steadily rather than quickly. Insulin levels follow blood glucose levels, therefore there is no spike in insulin, and no corresponding “crash” in blood sugar levels…thus keeping energy levels steady, and reducing hunger (due to the body’s not requiring additional sugar in order to compensate for suddenly low blood sugar levels).
The essential fats contained in Chia Seeds work with the fiber providing feeling of fullness, which reduces appetite while simultaneously giving the body both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in a balanced ratio.
Because of chia’s role in appetite suppression, blood sugar control, and support for optimal metabolism, it is an excellent adjunct herb in protocols for weight loss and the creation of lean muscle mass. The role of fiber alone in weight loss is well known. However, the essential fats in chia boost and support proper metabolic function, another well known factor in weight loss. Chia’s high protein levels support the building of muscle, but it is the complete profile of chia’s nutrients (proteins, essential fats, fiber, antioxidants, etc.) working synergistically in supporting muscle building and ultimately the attainment of normal and/or optimal weight.
For more information on Chia Seeds, please click here.
– 1-2 Tablespoons or 3-5 Scoops (if using 6.5 cc scoop provided) of Chia Seeds. (Two scoops equal slightly less than one level tablespoon.) Click here to buy our organically grown Chia Seeds. – 12-16 Ounces Water (ideally filtered, purified, reverse-osmosis, or spring water). Use at least 8 oz. of water per tablespoon of chia seeds. – An Electric Coffee or Nut Grinder (or a manual seed-grinding device, such as a mortar and pestle. (If you’re feeling particularly like a Native American, use a stone grinding board (metate) along with a stone hand grinder (mano), a two-piece tool also known as a “piedra de Moler.”) -A Blender (or stick blender, blender-style food processor, hand whisk, or shaker jar with a lid).
STEP 1. Grind 1-2 Tablespoons (Or 3-5 Scoops) of Chia Seeds In A Coffee/Nut Grinder For 3-10 Seconds (or until fully ground). This step is important because grinding breaks open the seeds allowing the essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) to be released for consumption. (You can choose not to grind the seeds, if you prefer, but for this recipe we highly recommend grinding them). STEP 2. Pour 12-16 Ounces Of Pure Water Into Blender (or into a container if you’re using a stick blender or shaking manually). A general rule of thumb is using 8 ounces (1 cup) of water per tablespoon of seeds.
STEP 3. Turn Blender On Low (Or Medium-Low) Speed. Keeping blender on low speeds helps avoid splatter after chia seeds are poured into it (see next step). STEP 4. Open Blender (i.e., Remove Cover) And Pour In Ground Chia “Flour.” Re-Cover Blender And Blend 4-10 Seconds. (Some people recommend using only the loose chia flour and not the “scrapings” from the grinder because the solution can become lumpy. Others enjoy such lumps.) Now you can add other ingredients (see suggestions below), including superfoods, protein powders, banana chunks, berries and/or other fruits (fresh or frozen), ground nuts or nut milks, or fresh fruit juices. Use some imagination…get seriously creative! (I mean, make this smoothie your way…however you like it!!) STEP 5. Let Mixture Stand 5-10 Minutes. It will absorb water during this time. You may wish to blend it for 2-3 more seconds after 10 minutes in order to ensure a smooth, even texture (i.e., avoids separation). (Some people choose not to let the mixture stand 10 minutes, but will consume it immediately. Others let it stand longer (which creates a thicker gel). You can also refrigerate this gel and keep it for up to 2 weeks. We like it best fresh! STEP 6. DRINK AND ENJOY!!
Some people are allergic to chia seeds showing symptoms like watery eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, skin rashes, trouble breathing, and swelling of tongue, mouth, and/or throat. Chia seeds contain certain proteins that act as allergens. Allergens are particles or substances that trigger allergic reactions. If a person experiences the symptoms just mentioned, he/she should discontinue taking chia seeds or chia supplements.
Warning: Chia seeds are good but at the same time there are some side effects that must be noted.
Pregnant and lactating mothers should ask their doctors first before consuming chia seeds and products. As of this time, only few researches have been conducted to test if chia seeds have side effects to pregnant and lactating mothers. It can lower the blood pressure in your body, especially, if you are someone in upper age group, be careful as Chia seeds are capable of lowering the pressure of the blood to the dangerous level. This seed is a great source of vitamin B-17. If you are from a regimen of B-17, then you should be cautious before taking the seeds. You may overload your body system with phytonutrients. If you have reactions when you eat Chia seeds or any product which contains Chia seeds, then you must avoid Chia seeds completely. People who are suffering with heart problems must avoid these seeds as it has addictive effects on its users. If you are going to undergo surgery, your doctor may prevent you from taking blood-thinning substances. Consult your doctor before taking chia seeds and chia products. People who take blood thinners like Warfarin should exclude this from their diet as Chia seeds increases the risk for bleeding. It may be an allergen and the reason behind this is that it is the member of the salvia genus.
Although a high-fiber diet is normally considered healthy, the American Dietetic Association warns that high-fiber foods such as chia seeds can cause gas and intestinal bloating. If you find yourself dealing with digestive problems after you start taking chia, cut back on the amount until your system adjusts.
Overdose of Chia should be avoided as it can be harmful for you. Chia seeds should be consumed in short phases.
Side Effects
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