Coaching for Transformation: Personal and Professional Coach Training at the NYC Open Center
With Leadership That Works Faculty Program Leaders: Steven Filante, PCC & Sharon Brown, MS, CPC
A 9-Month 140-Hour Coaching Certification Program
An International Coach Federation (ICF) Accredited School
Would you like to join of one of America’s fastest growing professions? This certification program will help you develop a successful coaching practice–imparting the skills and tools to create lasting, effective change in yourself and others. Utilizing a holistic approach, coaches create an awareness of body, mind and spirit that gives clients access to their inner wisdom and unleashes their creativity. While psychotherapy is primarily healing-focused, coaching is learning and action-oriented, moving clients toward fulfillment of their life purpose, vision and goals.
This program will give you the experience and skills to empower people to awaken creativity and wisdom, move towards their fullest self-expression, and tap into their spiritual core to manifest their vision and goals. If you are committed to catalyzing positive change and social responsibility in business, government, education, and individual people’s lives, this training will deepen your effectiveness. You will disÂcover how to leverage your strengths and develop your distinctive coaching voice. After graduating you will continue to draw from a community of coaches committed to mutual support.
Therapists, Social Workers, Counselors, Managers, Executives, Consultants, FaciliÂtators and Teachers, Nurses, Physicians, Clergy, Yoga Teachers, Wellness PractiÂtioners, and Entrepreneurs. The coaching skills you will learn in this program will enhance and complement your practice or business. Individual and small group practice coaching sessions will allow you to integrate skills you can apply to your work and life from day one.
*65% in person training; 35% via teleclass
*12 classroom training sessions
*34 teleclasses (90 minutes each)
*14 hours of peer coaching
*10 hours of mentor coaching
*Coaching competencies demonstration and final evaluation
To support your learning, the course requirements include having your own certified coach for at least 3 months during the course, and four or more clients (not required upon entering training). Upon successful completion of this program, participants receive a certificate for 140 hours of study as a Certified Professional Coach. This exceeds the 125 hours of coaching skills training required to apply or the International Coach Federation ICF) coaching credential.
JOIN OUR FREE INTRODUCTORY TELE-CLASSES: There are one-hour free calls that give a taste of the program and a chance to ask questions. The easiest way for people to register for the monthly free call is via the leadership that works website. The link is:
FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSIONS at the Open Center: Friday, January 13 , 7-9pm Friday, February 10 , 7-9pm
Register early, as class size is limited to 36 and fills quickly. To register or if you have questions, please contact our Professional Training Department at 212-219-2527 ext. 110.
Join this training beginning in March 2012: Saturdays and Sundays, March 2012—November 2012, 9am-6pm
March 3—4, April 14—15, June 2—3, July 21—22, September 8—9 and November 3—4
Or join the training starting September 8th, 2012: Faculty: Richard Michaels, Martha Lasley and Madhu Maron 2012: September 8 & 9, October 27 & 28, December 15 & 16 2013: January 26 & 27, March 16 & 17, May 4 & 5
Free Introductory classes on Fridays, March 16, May 4 & June 8, 7-9pm.
Read two articles on Coaching by Richard Michaels & Martha Lasley
For more information, see Individual coaching is available from certified professional holistic coaches. To set up a free introductory phone session, call 212-219-2527 x196.
Please click here for the original article at the Open Center.