Dolphins Are Being Slaughtered

According to the Earth Island Institute, in the Japanese fishing village of Taiji, fisherman are rounding up and slaughtering hundreds and even thousands of dolphins right now.

After driving pods of dolphins into shallow coves, the fisherman kill the dolphins by slashing their throats with knives or stabbing them with spears. Thrashing about, the dolphins take as long as 6 minutes to die. The water turns red with all their blood and the air is filled with sounds of their screams.

This brutal massacare, the largest scale dolphin kill in the world, goes on for 6 months of every year! Even more shocking, the captive dolphin industry is accomplice to the kill.

For more information on this horrible travesty, please visit the Save the Taiji Dolphins Campaign site

Who Can Participate: Everyone! This event is not limited to animal protection organizations. NGOs, schools, music bands, various clubs, businesses and concerned citizens are encouraged to show up. Please contact your friends and neighbors, local schools, civic clubs and anyone else you can think of. Ask people to join us at noon on October 8th at a Japanese embassy or consulate office near you.

Contact Penelope Smith Anima Mundi Incorporated, PO Box 1060, Point Reyes, CA 94956


Fax:(415) 663-8260

Animal World

by Merryn José
A professional spiritual intuitive, writer and teacher; who lives in Westchester, New York. She comes from a long lineage of practicing Celtic psychics. Her web site is a regularly updated resource of Holistic information concerning the development of the intuitive faculties, featuring podcast interviews with cutting edge minds on Merryn is also the Editor-in-Chief and publisher of the online magazine, Merlian News.