IAN by Craig Junjulas
During times of great tribulation, messengers from the heavens have reached down to save humanity from falling into the pits of hell. This is one of those times. As we get to know Ian, the veil is lifted and we journey to the realms of these spiritual beings. Ian is considered a problem child because he claims to see energy, communicate with animals, and speak to spirits. He is a little boy who feels most comfortable when he is out of his clothes playing naked in the stream with the salamanders, but he is even more comfortable when out-of-body in the multidimensional realities where he becomes a powerful ethereal warrior; his credo — “What is the worth of a lightbearer who refuses to enter the dark?” He tries to adapt, and survive as a child, but his very existence on this planet has stirred the wrath of the oldest of demons. Excerpt from IAN: CHILDREN OF THE NEW AGE
You seek
The wisdom of our sayings
Mystic moments
Forgotten memories of oneness with the Creator
The healing power of our touch
Light of the sun and stars
You ask
Why are we eccentric, obvious, even strange?
Is conformity and practicality beyond our reach?
Are maturity and responsibility too great a request?
It is our bodies, minds, and spirits
Which are transformed by the journey
It is through our open hearts
That messages of love are etched into our souls
It is due to our meandering in the woods that wistful thoughts
Are transported to our inner minds by sunbeam and breeze
Whispered by the angels of wisdom
We answer to no man, woman or child
Only the quiet voice is our master
It is our high regard for what lies beyond time and space
Which inhibits the reign of temporal society
Our childish ways unlock the mysteries of life
Look to the clouds with our eyes and you will see the Glory of God
In the playful images chasing each other across the sky
Look into humanity and be prepared to mourn
We cry from a place so deep, you dare not go
Through our words you journey to comfort’s farthest edge
Alarm us awake,
Force us through schools of conformity
Extrude us into the work force
Seal us in day after day
Closed off from the earth and all her glory
And we will normalize
We will adopt a practical outlook
We will close our eyes once again
And sleep on the near side of the veil with you
And BE no more
by Craig Junjulas
For more information on Craig Junjulas, please visit www.higherselfdiscovery.com
Craig Junjulas: Metaphysical Teacher, Clairvoyant, Author and Lecturer
SPIRITUAL GAMES: “My Guide Is Bigger Than Your Guide” by Craig Junjulas