Journey to the Wild Divine: A Review
Are you interested in meeting wise guides and mentors who will lead you gently through a magical realm, teaching you ancient yogic breathing techniques while all the time helping you to make that connection between body and mind?
There is such a mystical place where you will be taught to build bridges with your breath, juggle balls with laughter, open doors with the mind and focus through Zen archery.
Combine this enchanted realm of seemingly endless possibilities with the scientifically proven effect of biofeedback. In addition, you will be shown how to alter brain activity, lower blood pressure and release muscle tension.
Sounds interesting? Well, through the input of Deepak Chopra and a group of like-minded people this is a reality. They came up with the brilliant idea of teaching people how to control different states of energy through a computer game to relieve stress and anxiety.
The Passage is the first in a series of three “inner active” biofeedback programs which enables a person to be taught many varied breathing and meditation exercises. It consists of three biofeedback finger sensors that measure skin conductance level (SCL) and heart variability. These sensors are able to measure the body’s signals via a “lightstone” and are fed back to you through energy “events” on the screen while giving you challenges to control your body’s responses.
The unusual characters met within the journey are there to teach you to control your reactions and assist you in breathing techniques including “Heart Breath” for example.
There are over 40 energy events that you will come in contact with on your travels and by the end of your journey you will have learned to master many of them, if not all.
I found this game to be terrific fun. By just seeing your mind affecting what is happening on the computer screen is, in fact, very empowering and also a delightful way of learning about biofeedback.
Have fun!
For more information or to view a demo, please visit