Knitting the Threads of Time: Casting Back to the Heart of Our Craft by Nora Murphy

Knitting the Threads of Time: Casting Back to the Heart of Our Craft by Nora MurphyKnitting the Threads of Time brushes off the thick layer of dust that separates contemporary knitters from the powerful prehistoric tradition of women’s cloth-making. Readers discover that each stitch, each knitter, and each knitting project is heir to an ancient pantheon of fiber artists once revered all around the globe. They learn that the universal art of making clothes is deeply entwined with primordial regenerative powers of healing and fertility. Armed with this powerful new perspective, knitters can claim their rightful legacy and continue to transform the world with the threads of time. Readers will meet Hmong, American Indian, Mexican, African, and Irish women who reveal the vibrant living legacy, which textiles still play in many traditional cultures.

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by Monique Muhlenkamp, New World Library
Nora Murphy is a freelance writer wo specializes in writing for nonprofit organizations in the urban communities in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Her stories and essays have appeared in such places as the anthology "Twelve Branches" (Coffee House Press, 2003). She holds an MFA degree in writing from Hamline University. She lives in St. Paul.