May 25th: Pachamama is Asking us to Listen

May 25th: Pachamama is Asking us to Listen! Katonah Green is hosting a special event this Sunday from 3-7pm. Click here to register!

We will host 2 “earth wisdom keepers” as they travel from Peru up the East Coast, for a special gathering on Sunday, May 25th in northern Westchester.

Ayni is Quechua (Peruvian tribal language) word meaning reciprocity. The goal is to work toward the emergence of a new social ethos that embodies global consciousness in both ecology and economy.

Sebastian Pauccar Flores is a traditional Pampamisayoq, a Q’ero healer and ceremonialist, “servant” of Pachamama and the Apus. Now, with author/integrative medicine doctor Dr. JE Williams, he’s getting the word out. Together, they will share stories and wisdom of heart-centered spirituality. They will discuss Peru — as a biological Noah’s Arc; Macchu Picchu — eco-spiritual icon of our times; and the concept of Ayni — a model for a sustainability ethic of universal responsibility and reciprocity.

The event will begin at 3pm on Sunday. Join us for the afternoon, and if possible stay for a potluck supper. Or, for a very special experience, stay overnight in yurts in a beautiful outdoor setting in Northern Westchester.

To register, sign up here, on the Facebook page, or contact Steve or Heather.

by Staff