Merlian News Podcasts with Robert Moss on Active Dreaming

A former professor of ancient history, Robert Moss is also a novelist, journalist, and independent scholar. His  books on dreaming, shamanism and imagination include Conscious DreamingThe Three “Only” Things, The Secret History of Dreaming, Dreamgates and Active Dreaming: Journeying Beyond Self Limitation to a Life of Wild Freedom (New World Library) and more.

In this podcast, Merryn Jose discusses with Robert Moss:

Active Dreaming by Robert MossHis book Active Dreaming: Journeying Beyond Self Limitation to a Life of Wild Freedom; the meaning of the phrase, “Active dreamers are choosers;” waking up and dreaming; the three modes of active dreaming; dream groups as models for a new community; breaking a dream drought; the single most important gift dreaming has given him; how we can incubate a conscious dream experience, and more!

To download and listen to this podcast, click here. Please give it a moment to load. Podcast recording is approx. 25 minutes long.

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How to Break a Dream Drought By Robert Moss

Dreaming In Foreign Languages by Robert Moss


Action This Day: A Dreamer’s Wish For the New Year

Robert Moss writes, “I have just received the best ever dreamer’s wish for the New Year. It comes from Virginie Pols, a wonderfully gifted dreamer, artist and teacher of Active Dreaming in Switzerland. She offers it in both French and English: Que cette année, nous soyons dignes de nos plus grands reves! This year, may we be worthy of our biggest dreams! I love this because it reminds us that dreams require action. If we do not take action to honor and embody our biggest dreams in our lives, they may fly away. To lose a big dream is a sad thing. It can even amount to losing a vital piece of our soul…”

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Why You Want To Keep A Journal by Robert Moss

“Indeed, there is nothing too little, or too great, for inclusion in a journal. If you are not already keeping one, I entreat you to start today. Write whatever is passing through your mind, or whatever catches your eye in the passing scene around you. If you remember your dreams, start with them. If you don’t recall your dreams, start with whatever thoughts and feelings are first with you as you enter the day, or that interval between two sleeps the French used to call dorveille (“sleep-wake”), a liminal space when creative ideas often stream through.”

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Aboriginal Dreaming Into the Dreamtime

Aboriginal Australians believe that we dream our way into this world, and dream our way out of it. “We talk to the spirit-child before a baby is born,” naturopath and traditional healer Burnham Burnham explained it to me. If the father-to-be is a dreamer, he is frequently the one who first meets the spirit-child in dreams. These dream encounters often unfold at places of water that exist in the natural world — a billabong, the shallows of a river, a waterfall — where the spirit-child plays with its own kind and is not confined to a single form. It can appear as a kingfisher or a platypus, as a fish or a crocodile.

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The Waters of Dreams by Robert Moss

In drugstore dream dictionaries we are told that water, as a dream symbol, is about emotions. Well, ye-es, it maybe, but what you find in your dream waters and what I find may be very different things. As with any dream, a dream of water may be symbolic, literal, or an experience of a separate reality. I have dreamed, over decades now, of being able to travel to the sea floor without any breathing problems and of encountering a Mother of the Deep and various other characters who seem to embody the elemental powers of the ocean. I have dreamed of healing in sacred pools, and delight in mermaid coves, and the kind of inundation that brings fresh new growth bursting into the world.

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Dreaming with Jung by Robert Moss

The night of my birthday in 1988. I entered the rooms of a tailor in Manhattan. I wanted to have a new suit made but did not like the fabrics he had in stock. When I left the tailor’s shop, the city was different. There was the sense that hidden things were pulsing behind the scenes. Still bent on new clothes, I entered the menswear section of an upscale department store. I pulled a suit off the rack. It fitted perfectly and the price was right. It seemed to have pinstripes. When I looked at the label, it read “Shamanic.”

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Merlian News Podcasts with Robert Moss About Coincidences & Synchronicities – Part 2

| by Merlian News

Robert Moss, a lifelong dream explorer who survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanic techniques for empowerment and healing. He is a former university professor of ancient history at the Australian National University, also a bestselling novelist, shamanic counselor, and the author of five books on dreaming. Robert gives lectures and leads workshops all over the world. You can visit his website at

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Reports from the Other Side: Geraldine Cummins and F.W.H. Myers by Robert Moss

| by Robert Moss

“She came from the same Anglo-Irish milieu as William Butler Yeats, and wrote two plays that were performed at his beloved Abbey Theatre. Her mentor was the famous Irish medium Hester Dowden, said to have been the model for the psychic in Yeats’ spirited one-act play The Words Upon the Window-Pane. When she started practicing as a psychic medium, Yeats was one of the first people to consult her. Her name was Geraldine Cummins, and her life story as author, suffragette, medium and possible secret agent during World War II, is quite fascinating.”

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How to Break a Dream Drought By Robert Moss

| by Robert Moss

“When we start paying attention to the dreamlike symbols of the day, we often reopen our connection to the dreams of the night…Have you lost touch with your dreams? Is your dream recall limited to fragments that fade away as you hurry off into the business and traffic of the day? Relax. Here are some fun and easy ways to renew and refresh your relationship with your dreams…”

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Robert Waggoner on Lucid Dreaming

| review by Cheryl Shainmark

For the past seven years, Robert Waggoner has co-edited the quarterly journal, Lucid Dreaming Experience , and most recently has written a wonderful book titled Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self . He explains: “Through experimentation, I realized lucid dreaming could be used to get ‘unknown’ information; apparently from the deeper part of yourself or some kind of collective unconscious. Moreover, lucid dreaming could be used to explore deep spiritual concepts, focus healing intent on your body, seek out telepathic and precognitive information and learn about the nature of reality (from the unique perspective of being aware in the dream state). In my book, I take lucid dreamers to these deeper aspects of lucid dreaming…”

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