The Cove: Sundance Film Exposes Japanese Dolphin Slaughter in Grisly Footage by Clayton B. Cornell

23,000 Dolphins are slaughtered each year in a hidden cove in Taiji, Japan. Each year, the Japanese government covered it up…

The Cove exposes an atrocity of unimaginable brutality. The dolphin slaughter depicted here is committed yearly and without knowledge of the general Japanese public, even though they could be buying highly-toxic mercury-laden dolphin meat disguised as fish from their local supermarkets.

Barred access to the site, the film crew (which includes most notably the man who trained Flipper, Richard O’Barry) was forced to utilize covert military tactics and equipment, including thermal heat sensors and the help of two world-class free divers, to accomplish their mission.

The Cove is activist film at it’s finest: exposing this dirty-little-secret despite systematic intimidation and institutional attempts to cover it up. The film is part of the documentary selection for this year’s Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.

To learn more and take action, visit the campaign website: The film won’t be available to the public until post-festival distribution, so keep your eyes peeled later this year.

To view the official trailer at, click here.

Dolphins Are Being Slaughtered

by Clayton B. Cornell
Clayton B. Cornell is the Managing Editor and Director of Social Media strategy for Green Options Media. He was formerly a professional blogger as Lead Writer for Gas 2.0, GO Media’s blog covering the future of sustainable transportation, and has been covering biofuels and green car technology for since the beginning of 2007. Before GO, Clayton ran the training program for one of the EPA’s largest public toxicology information libraries at Oregon State University, which was fulfilled under a $2-million Federal grant. He became a biodiesel enthusiast after experimenting with small-scale biodiesel production in OSU’s chemical engineering lab, and has extensive hands-on experience with diesel cars and trucks, including the practical use of biodiesel and straight-vegetable-oil (SVO) as alternative fuels. Clayton graduated from the University of Utah with honors, receiving a degree in Biology and Chemistry.