Urban Zen Center: NYC

“The Urban Zen Foundation creates, connects, and collaborates to raise awareness and inspire change in the areas of well-being, preserving cultures, and empowering children. We design forums, partner with existing organizations and bring together experts to define solutions and implement action. The Urban Zen Foundation was founded by Donna Karan.


Our focus is to change the current healthcare paradigm to include integrative medicine and promote patient advocacy. We must treat the patient with the same passion we treat the disease by combining western science with nutrition, yoga and eastern healing practices. READ MORE


Our mission is to care for our children’s well-being and give them the tools to face obstacles and opportunities with love, compassion & strength. We collaborate with existing children’s organizations and create programs to enhance their spiritual, physical and emotional growth. READ MORE


Our goal is to help cultures maintain their natural essence and identity in the face of globalization. We connect with programs that help communities preserve their unique cultural and spiritual values. We celebrate their creativity and craft to allow their sustainability. READ MORE


Urban Zen Foundation 705 Greenwich Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10014 info@urbanzen.org 1.212.414.8520 For more information on Urban Zen, workshops, events and more, please visit www.urbanzen.com

by urbanzen.org
"Urban Zen is excited to present The Truth, a Hope Help & Relief Haiti Exhibition, curated by renowned fashion photographer Marc Baptiste.The Truth is one of Hope Help and Relief Haiti's ongoing campaign to support Haitian artisans, culture and businesses." More details, go to www.urbanzen.org/about/preserving-cultures/haiti-update/