All Natural Energy Boosters
All Natural Energy Boosters:
1) Tap Your Thymus — “Your thymus is located at center top of your chest, below the collar bone, between your breasts. When tapped it triggers the production of T-cells, boosts energy, relieves stress, and increases strength and vitality,” says Marian Buck-Murray, a nutrition coach and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner in Maplewood, New Jersey. For an instant boost of energy, Buck-Murray recommends tapping your thymus with your fingertips for 20 seconds, while slowly and deeply breathing in and out.
2) Get some sun — It’s not surprising you feel tired when you’re stuck inside a cold office with fluorescent lighting. Sneak outside to soak up some sunshine for 15 to 20 minutes. “Sunlight energizes and elevates mood,” says Dr. Lorraine Maita, a board certified internist and author of Vibrance for Life: How to Live Younger and Healthier in Short Hills, New Jersey.
3) Sip some Green Tea — If coffee is your go-to solution for the afternoon slump, try swapping out your cup of Joe for green tea. “Green tea has small amounts of caffeine, and there are many noted studies that demonstrate that EGCG, the active compound in green tea, facilitates weight loss,” says Dr. Elizabeth Trattner, who specializes in integrative medicine in Miami Beach, Florida. So in addition to boosting energy level, you might burn some extra calories! A study by Japanese researchers found that participants who consumed 690mg of catechins from green tea daily had significantly lower body mass indexes and smaller waist measurements than those in a control group. Green tea in the afternoon is also less likely to interfere with your sleep schedule since it has less caffeine than coffee per ounce.
4) Stand Up — Are you reading this slumped over your computer, feeling tired at the moment? Perk up by standing up, says Moshe Lewis M.D., chief of the department of physical medicine and rehab at the California Pacific Medical Center, St. Luke’s Campus, in Redwood City, California. “Never sit too long. Vessels have a natural tendency to constrict during periods of inactivity, zapping you of energy and making you feel tired–even if you are not sleep deprived.” Standing up and walking around even just for a few minutes is enough to jump start your heart and muscles. Plus, it can help you be more productive once you sit down at your desk again, Dr. Lewis says.
5) Drink a Green Monster — Think you can’t live without your morning coffee? Trade it for this nutrient-packed drink once and you’ll change your mind.
“I usually have [this] for breakfast and then don’t need to have coffee,” says Joanna Chodorowska, a nutrition and triathlon coach in North Whales, Pennsylvania.
Here’s how to make it: In a juicer, combine 2-4 leaves of kale, 2-4 leaves of romaine lettuce, 1 inch ginger root, half a lemon (with the seeds removed), one apple (cored), and a clove of garlic (optional for cleansing and boosting immune system). Chodorowska says you can use this as a base and add other dark greens, carrots, celery, beets, or even an orange or pear instead of the apple to make your own signature energy drink.
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