The Sun in the Twelfth House: Suffering and the Father by Carmen Turner Schott

The Sun glows brightly in the sky reminding us of its power. Without the Sun there can be no life. In our astrological chart, the Sun represents our main identity, personality, and outward appearance. On a deeper level, the Sun represents the father figure in our life. Our father figure represents a powerful person in our life and can have a significant affect impact on each of us for good or bad. Unfortunately, with the Sun in the twelfth house there is unusual suffering related to the father figure.

First we need to understand the nature of the Twelfth house as one of the most spiritual houses in our astrological chart. It represents issues related to spirituality, secrets, karma, charity, confinement, institutions, suffering, cosmic consciousness, meditation, escapism and service to humanity.

When our main identity placed in this house, we often become an intuitive person. It creates the type of person that is extremely sensitive to other people’s feelings and emotions. Individuals with the Sun placed here are compassionate, caring and self-sacrificing. A loss of boundaries about oneself and others can occur when planets are placed in the twelfth house. Wherever the Sun is placed in our chart, is where we are forced to find our oneness with God and find out who we truly are. This very early development usually begins with a bonding with our earthly father.

There are three key situations that I have observed, with individuals with the Sun in the twelfth house. The first thing is that there is always a feeling of detachment from the father figure. This can occur for many reasons, but the most frequent reason, is loss of the father figure through death at a young age.

Individuals are unable to bond with the father figure due to their sudden death or absence. I can not tell you how many times I have had clients say,” My father died when I was five”, “My father died when I was ten”, and “I never knew my father.” These statements are confirmed continuously for me, whenever I do a chart with someone with the Sun in the twelfth. The second manifestation that occurs is that the father figure can have a drug or alcohol problem, which makes them incapable of bonding with the child.

Individuals grow up feeling detached and perceive their father as distant. The last thing that tends to occurs is what I call an “absent or missing father figure”. The father is physically in the individual’s life, but there is no relationship and no bond. The father might work a lot, travel a lot or simply does not communicate with the individual while growing up. Therefore, in all three instances there is a feeling that one does not have a father.

A deep seated loneliness can arise for these individuals, because they always feel that they are seeking that fatherly energy. Some females with this placement might seek it through relationships with men. This can cause a variety of problems and often more suffering. Whenever they start to make that partner the complete focus of their life, it will get stripped away by the universe. The individual is forced to turn to the higher forces for that energy.

This lesson might happen several times before they realize what is happening to them. Men with this placement might feel uncomfortable with other men. Theses individuals might only seek out female companionship. They might isolate any potential male friends, because of an innate fear of the unknown. They do not know how to respond to other males because of the absent bond with the father figure.

These experiences are very normal for individuals with this placement. The primary reason that this occurs, is to force the individual to seek one’s true father which is God. There is a lot of suffering that comes from this placement, but significant growth and spiritual advancement as well. Each person must come to a point where they seek a greater love that is beyond the physical. With this placement the person will find their oneness with God or the creative forces by service to others and putting this first in one’s life.

The symbol for the planet Venus, related to issues of love.When the person finds that bond with the creative forces and feels that unconditional love that is beyond words, they feel totally accepted and loved. This is the primary lesson that souls with this placement have chose to endure. After they do that, then they might have the great honor of finding that bond with another physical person. This will not manifest for them until they master the basic lesson of this house.

Individuals are sometimes forced to seek God or the creative forces through experiencing suffering, heartache, depression and feelings of loneliness. These feelings occur to push individuals forward in fulfilling their true purpose. Finding oneness with God and humanity is their ultimate goal. To feel oneness with humanity is a daunting task, but these individuals are more equipped at pursuing it, handling it and succeeding at. The father figure circumstances in their lives no longer are a curse, but can become a blessing in disguise.

This placement of the Sun is truly a blessing for those with it, even though it might seem unfair at first. I urge individuals who have experienced the truths of this placement to know that they are not alone and that there is a spiritual reason and predictor of why this occurs. I urge them not to think of themselves as victims or believe that the universe cheated them out of a relationship with a physical father. The most important thing to remember is that the universe has a plan and that plan is for intense oneness and love for our spiritual father. This feeling is often beyond words.


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by Carmen Turner Schott, MSW
Carmen Turner-Schott received her Master of Social Work degree from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1999 and her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1997. She studied and completed coursework in the School of Metaphysics for three years and received her certificate of completion in 1998. Carmen currently write articles for the Spirit Seeker holistic newspaper in St. Louis and offers her services at various psychic fairs in the area.