How Color Affects Your Mood

| by Merlian News

Can color really affect your mood? Research says yes; color can absolutely affect your mood, behavior and stress levels, and the study of these effects is known as color psychology. Whether in the clothes you wear, the paint on the walls, or the color of your desk, color is important.

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Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It

| by Cheryl Shainmark

I just finished reading “Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It,” by Kamal Ravikant. I have to say that this slim volume completely jumpstarted a whole new spiritual practice for me. I don’t usually rave (in print, at least)… but this is one of the most accessible, transformative books I have ever read — and at 57 pages, you’d have to be in a coma not to get through it. Actually, if you are in a coma I will come and sit by your side and read it to you, because I want “Love Yourself” to be the earworm that gets stuck in your head. You’ll thank me later.

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Sahar Interviews Merryn Jose on the Use of Castor Oil Packs

| by Sahar Huneidi & Merryn Jose

Sahar Interviews Merryn Jose, an intuitive and writer, on the Use of Castor Oil Packs via Podcast. In this talk Sahar interviews Merryn Jose who describes the use of Edgar Cayce’s castor oil packs; how they work and what they can be used for- speeding up the body’s recovery process. Merryn is also the editor and publisher of – holistic resources gateway.

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The Kidney as the Root of the Body by Dr. Song Ke

| by Dr. Song Xuan Ke

In Chinese Medicine, the kidney is considered the most important organ in the body. Physiologically, as we all know, it is the key organ involved in purifying the blood, eliminating toxins from the body by means of urination. It is also, as is often forgotten, the rejuvenating recycling source of the body…Thanks to thousands of years of experience, Chinese Medicine has developed the concept of strengthening kidneys. By consulting an experienced Chinese Doctor, the particular kind of kidney deficiency can be determined and herbal pills prescribed to strengthen the kidney against that particular kind of deficiency and the kidney leakage stopped.

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