August 2006 Merlian Newsletter


Dear Readers,

Augusts’ flower is the gladiolus or poppy.

In the pagan wheel of the year August begins at or near Lughnasadh.

Merlian News has launched it’s very first Podcast! Please be sure to listen to the broadcasts !

Remember to keep checking Holistic USA and Holistic New York for updated information on psychic news and events throughout the country as well as the New York area.

We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to the magazine and for your feedback. We look forward to receiving more articles in the future.

Please feel free to forward this newsletter to contacts on your email list who might find it of interest.

New Items Posted in Merlian News

Podcasts How To Use Podcasts Now that Merlian News offers the new service of Podcasts, we realize it is a new technology that not everyone may be familiar with. We even had to learn it before we could provide it! So here is an ‘About Podcasts’ article to help you, our wonderful readers, to join us in Merlian News’ most recent growth spurt!

NEW!! Podcast Interview with Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf Merlian News has had the honor of interviewing Native American Elder, Spiritual Warrior Woman, Healer, Teacher, Visionary, & Ceremonialist, Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf! Listen to the Podcast here!

Books Facets of A Diamond — Reflections of a Healer by John Diamond, M.D.

Facets of a Diamond is written not only to explain the author’s background and healing modalities, but to initiate healing within the reader. This is a very activating or energizing book, written with a poetic sense of pacing and language, guaranteed to raise the Life Energy of the person reading it. John Diamond plays with the text and the blank page as if he were painting a canvas, or putting down notes of music — all deliberate, and all a part of the “High Art” that he feels is most linked to God, or our most loving, creative, perfect state.

Coyote Wisdom: The Power of Story in Healing by Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona “According to the author, we each contain our own hidden wisdom for how to change or heal, but it is the healer’s job to pull that knowledge out. The right story challenges our hidden assumptions, (that change is not possible, or that there is no way out or only one way out), by presenting us with new possibilities. Mehl-Madrona says that stories are alchemy — if we hear enough stories about transformation then we can’t help but transform. This is powerful stuff, as is the idea that biology follows context — and Coyote Wisdom is a beautiful and powerful book.”

Environmental Awareness 10 Things You Can Do To Save Energy

Life can be busy. You may have a full time job & children. Those children have karate class, hockey practice, dance class, art class, and drama club to be picked up and dropped off at. Maybe you work full time, 6 days a week, with two hour commute in both directions. Or maybe you’re overwhelmed with all the work its taking to save this planet. Well don’t worry! Here are 10 easy to do things that will save hundreds and thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide a year…and you barely have to lift a finger!

Other Countries Travel to Shiva’s Dancing Ground with Andrew Harvey

The people and landscape and sacred world of south India form a magical whole that can help anyone awaken to the truth of his or her own identity and to the wonder and potency of an authentic sacred culture. Please come and join Andrew Harvey and let him show you the places that have most profoundly inspired him. October 23rd-November 6th, 2006

People Physician To Meta-Physician

A noted gastroenterologist and Mind/Body/Spirit Medicine specialist shares his journey from physician to meta-physician. “My soul was speaking to me in terms that I finally understood. Healing became more than an occupation. It became an attitude, a perspective, an underlying paradigm for living.”

New York Insight & Opening: Transforming the Body, Heart & Mind Jack Kornfield, one of the leading Buddhist teachers in the West, and Stanislav Grof, a pioneer in the field of consciousness and the creator of Holotropic Breathwork, blend the richness of Buddhist practices of compassion and liberation with the experiential wisdom born out of modern consciousness research, to offer an extraordinary journey of renewal, healing, and transformation. September 22nd-29th, 2006

The Song of the Heart: A Sufi Conference This extraordinary conference brings together teachers from different Sufi orders and lovers of God to express and to amplify our oneness and devotion. Together we create a container for a spiritual energy, a frequency of divine love that is needed in the West for its spiritual evolution. Teachers include, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee , Peter Kingsley, Pir Zia Inayat Khan, and others. October 6th -8th, 2006

Thank you once more, for your positive feed back and support!

Merryn & Team

Merryn Jose – Editor & Publisher

Dena Ventrudo – Assistant Editor

Cheryl Shainmark- Book Reviewer

Donna Baker Church- Book Reviewer

Eugene Kelly- Book Reviewer

by Merryn Jose & Team
A professional spiritual intuitive, writer and teacher; Merryn lives in New York. She comes from a long lineage of practising Celtic psychics. Her web site is a regularly updated resource of Holistic information concerning the development of the intuitive faculties. Merryn is also the editor and publisher of online Merlian News Magazine.