May 2007 Merlian Newsletter
Dear Readers,
May’s flower is the lily of the valley or hawthorn.
In the Irish calendar May 1 is Beltane (Bealtaine), the first day of Summer, and a public holiday is held on the first Monday in May.
Cinco de Mayo or the Batalla de Puebla is celebrated in Mexico on May 5th.
Merlian News has launched many more Podcasts ! Please listen to the broadcasts ! Also be sure to tune into our affiliate site’s podcasts across the Atlantic at .
Remember to keep checking Holistic USA and Holistic New York for updated information on holistic, spiritual, & metaphysical news and events throughout the country as well as the New York area.
We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to the magazine and for your feedback. We look forward to receiving more articles in the future.
New Items Posted in Merlian News
Merlian News Podcast Interview With Dr. William Tiller Dr. William Tiller is one of the world’s leading scientists on the structure of matter. He contributed his groundbreaking scientific discoveries to the film What the Bleep Do We Know!? With Dr. Tiller we learn about the substance of our thoughts and the power of intentionality to alter matter. Merlian News talks with Dr. Tiller about such subjects as frequencies of light,bio-body suits,intentionality,bio-fields, and much more.
Merlian News Podcasts with Dr. Jude Currivan On ‘The 8th Chakra’ Dr. Currivan is a scientist, healer, sensitive and cosmic geomancer with a lifetime’s study of consciousness and metaphysics. She holds a PhD in Cognitive Archaeology and a Masters Degree in Physics. Dr. Currivan has als o worked with and learned from the elders and shamans of many wisdom traditions and is the author of two books The Wave , and her latest title, The 8th Chakra. In this Podcast, Merlian News interviews Dr. Currivan on her most recent book, The 8th Chakra.
John of God By Heather Cumming & Karen Leffler John of God will move you, inspire you, and bring you further along your own path of healing. Simply reading the book activates the heart — you will be swept along by the biography of John of God and captivated by the stories of miraculous healings he has affected. This is a book of HOPE — for you, for me, for all of mankind and the planet — it doesn’t get any better than this!
Your Hands Can Heal You By Master Stephen Co & Eric B. Robins, MD with John Merryman
Following the Chinese tradition, author Master Stephen Co is considered a “Master” at Pranic healing, having trained for several years under the guidance of Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, a renowned healer who has given Master Co permission to teach and disseminate his techniques. Eric Robins is a medical doctor who learned the skills from Master Co and began achieving extraordinary results in a variety of hospital and clinical settings. These stories of healing are wonderfully inspiring — even those familiar with working with subtle energies will be amazed and perhaps emboldened to take their healing to a new level — Your Hands Can Heal You is that good!
Merryn’s Musings Metaphysical Bookstores In New York It’s not that easy to find a good metaphysical bookstore close by – even in New York. More will be added or reviewed in Merlian News as we find them. Please check back for updates!
Sahar’s Column The Power Of One Getting it right: making changes can be a challenge and sometimes just downright stressful. Sahar Huneidi tells us how changing just one thing can make a huge difference.
Environmental Awareness 20 Simple Steps To Fight Global Warming
“According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the early effects of global warming are happening faster than most expected and we could cross dangerous tipping points if emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue unabated. But the IPCC report suggests the sooner we act, the lower the risk will be for crossing the line where catastrophic changes become irreversible.” IPCC Report Highlights Urgent Need for Congress to Put a Cap on Carbon Pollution, April 6th, 2007.
Bees Are Disappearing, Scientists Are Investigating This Alarming Phenomenon
“According to estimates from the US Department of Agriculture, bees are vanishing across a total of 22 states, and for the time being no one really knows why.” Approximately 40 percent of my 2,000 colonies are currently dead and this is the greatest winter colony mortality I have ever experienced in my 30 years of beekeeping,” apiarist Gene Brandi, from the California State Beekeepers Association, told Congress recently…The implications of the spread are alarming. Most of the world’s crops depend on pollination by bees. Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, “man would have only four years of life left”. “
Meditation Meditation and the Psychic Senses: The Keys to the Universe
I have had countless experiences over the years of first-hand communion with a number of spiritual Masters. Although I may have held a deep desire in my heart to have such an experience, it was never anything I was consciously working on creating. In truth I am a very skeptical person and each time I have had an experience, my nature has required me to work hard on integrating the event and not discarding it as never happening.
Thank you once more, for your positive feed back and support!
Merryn & Team
Merryn Jose – Editor & Publisher
Dena Ventrudo- Assistant Editor
Cheryl Shainmark- Book Reviewer
Donna Baker Church- Book Reviewer
Eugene Kelly- Book Reviewer
Carl Casella – Sound Editor