Gwyneth Paltrow’s campaign “Just Label It” to overturn the DARK Act

Gwyneth Paltrow has joined a growing list of celebrities and politicians urging Americans to act quickly to prevent passage of the DARK Act — “Denying American’s Right to Know” whether their food contains genetically modified products. The need to act is urgent: the bill has already passed the House and is due to come before the Senate on August 5th. Passage of this bill would overturn mandatory GMO labeling in the three states that already have it, and prevent new measures from being taken across the country. Ms. Paltrow calls her campaign “Just Label It,” and is calling for 100,00 signatures before August 5th to present to the Senators.

From her recent email we read: I am writing to ask for your help to prevent a terrible law from being passed. On August 5, I am joining Just Label It in Washington, D.C to fight for mandatory GMO labeling — something supported by 90 percent of Americans.

Last week, the House of Representatives passed what we call the Deny Americans the Right to Know — or DARK — Act. This bill would make it effectively impossible for America to enact the same kind of mandatory GMO labeling that exists in 64 other nations — and it would overturn existing GMO labeling laws in states like Vermont, Connecticut and Maine.

There’s still time for us to make our voices heard. On August 5, we want to bring 100,000 petition signatures to show Senators and the President we’re serious about our right to know and choose what we’re eating and how our foods are grown.

We need your help: Will you sign our petition today?

Click here to join our petition: Tell Senators and the White House to oppose the DARK Act and stand up for consumers’ right to know.

There’s no dancing around it. Last week’s House vote was bought and paid for by Big Food and its allies — like Monsanto — that have a vested interest in keeping Americans in the dark about their food.

But now it’s our turn to show our strength: If we can come together, we can stop this bill before it becomes a reality.

Help us reach 100,000 Americans against the DARK Act by August 5: Click here to call on Senators and the White House to support our right to know what we’re feeding our families by opposing the DARK Act.

Thank you for joining Just Label It and me. I will keep you posted on our progress.

All my best wishes, Gwyneth Paltrow

P.S. When it comes to the food we feed our families, we all need to make our voices heard. Click here to sign our petition and urge Senators and the White House to reject the DARK Act.

Click here for Dr. Mercola’s article on the DARK Act

by Staff