Fighting Climate Change Roll Backs

When you’re the fifth largest economy in the world, throwing your weight around can make a big difference. As reported in The New York Times, “California is emerging as the nation’s de facto negotiator with the world on the environment. The state is pushing back on everything from White House efforts to roll back pollution rules on tailpipes and smokestacks, to plans to withdraw or weaken the United States’ commitments under the Paris climate change accord.” Trump, who has called global warming a hoax, has been  leaning towards exiting from the Paris agreement, and recently signed away plenty of Obama-era climate change prevention measures. Even scarier is the anti-science, climate change denying stance of the current administration, and the fact that EPA data is disappearing.

In a recent meeting with the Pope, Trump was gifted with a copy of Laudato Si’: On Care For Our Common Home, a collection of writings, or an “encyclical”, on climate change and environmental protection, authored by the Pope himself. Released in 2015, it criticizes relentless consumerism, reckless development, the destruction of biodiversity, and explains the need for everyone to pay attention to the science of climate change and help cut back on carbon emissions.

California Governor Jerry Brown flies to China next month to meet with climate leaders there on a campaign to curb global warming. And a battery of state lawyers is preparing to battle any attempt by Washington to weaken California’s automobile pollution emission standards. The NYT adds that fighting the administrations roll backs is a common cause, crossing party lines. “Arnold Schwarzenegger (video), who served as governor from 2003 to 2011, and led the state in developing the most aggressive pollution-control programs in the nation, has emerged as one of Mr. Trump’s biggest Republican critics.” He, too, has been aggressively pushing back on the administration’s efforts to roll back climate friendly legislation.

Read our related article To March or Not to March: When Science Gets Political

Jude Currivan & Ubiquity University Explore “The Cosmic Hologram” in a New Online Course

Jude Currivan, author of The Cosmic Hologram, is offering, in conjunction with Ubiquity University, a marvelous new course: The Cosmic Hologram – Explore In-formation at the Center of Creation. As she explains on her website,, “Humanity urgently needs to expand our collective awareness and radically change our behaviors if we are to survive and thrive as a species and live in sustainable harmony with our planetary home, Gaia. Our global emergency needs transforming into the emergence of our conscious evolution. To answer this need, a scientifically based and integral WholeWorld-View is emerging…”

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Merlian News May 2017 Newsletter

Merryn’s Musings Meditation, Mystical Experiences & Brain Mapping I am a huge fan of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s books, CDs and DVDs . First featured on the documentary, What the Bleep do we Know? this leading neuroscientist and lecturer has…

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Crystal Healing – Getting Up Close & Personal With Your Stones

| by Nia Kallhof

Over the last seven years as a Crystal Resonance Therapist (CRTh) I have learned that the more I work with and open to my stones, the more I understand how much they are teaching me. Most importantly my crystal allies have taught me how to perceive, hold and transmit energy. Because each stone holds a very clear steady coherent energy field which is unique to itself, they are great teachers of what energy feels like to me personally. I can take my time and fully tune into, and resonate with, that particular vibration.

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Dr Mercola: Using Aloe Juice to Treat Heartburn

| by Merlian News

In a recent article, Dr. Mercola writes, “An estimated 15 to 20 million Americans use acid inhibiting drugs to treat heartburn. Indeed, PPIs are among the most widely prescribed drugs today, with annual sales of about $14 billion. This despite the fact that they were never intended to treat heartburn in the first place. Research clearly shows that proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are severely overprescribed and misused, and do far more harm than good in the long run.”

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How to Block Nearly All the Mercury in Your Diet by Mike Adams

| by Mike Adams

How to block nearly all the mercury in your diet using common, everyday foods: from, Mike Adams writes: As part of my ongoing scientific research into heavy metals, elemental retention and metals capturing ( see explanatory videos here), I have identified and documented anti-heavy-metals substances which have a remarkable natural affinity for binding with and “capturing” heavy metals. Why is this important? Because much of the “scientific” community today is actually corporate-driven junk science that’s trying to poison you with mercury in vaccines, mercury in dental fillings, heavy metals in fluoride, GMOs, pesticides and more.

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