Helping Our Fellow Animals

There is a growing movement to recognize what every pet owner and animal lover has known for years: that animals are capable of feeling most everything that humans feel. This, in turn, is part of what is driving the movement to a plant based diet, or more ethical treatment of animals raised for food consumption. In this model, the labels “organic,” “free range,” or “grass fed” are as much about the quality of life for these animals as it is about nutritional quality.

In his book Mama’s Last Hug, Frans de Waal writes, “Emotions are everywhere in the animal kingdom, from fish to birds to insects and even in brainy mollusks such as the octopus.” Through wonderful anecdotes, the influential primatologist draws on renowned primate studies in an exploration of animal emotions that touches on such subjects as expressions, animal sentience, and free will. Through his stories, de Waal shows that animals express a wide range of emotions including, love, anger, fear, grief, and more. In an review from NPR, they reported “De Waal has no patience for accusations of anthropomorphism, the idea that we merely project our emotions onto other species; it’s anthropodenial that worries him, a refusal to recognize the similarity between ourselves and other animals.”

This recognition of animal feelings and potential suffering has led to increased legislation affirming animal rights and increasing punishments for animal abuse.  But there is still a lot to be done. For instance, without dwelling on the misery of commercial breeding and slaughtering, we each can do our part by eliminating or greatly reducing the amount of meat and fish we consume. We can contact and support our legislators who write laws protecting animals and their environments. And we can support, either financially or with volunteer work, those organizations that help animals.  I believe that each of us can walk the walk, lead by example, and educate those around us to care more about the non-humans who share our world.

Meet Anna Breytenbach, Animal Communicator

Animal Spirituality

The Humming Effect by Jonathan Goldman & Andi Goldman

| by Cheryl Shainmark

For those searching for a way to improve their health without medicine, or intrusive measures, The Humming Effect really rewards the reader. This slim book covers a lot of ground showing how humming can make a difference to one’s well being. The authors build a strong case through research and anecdotal data that humming can lead to increased oxygen levels, lowered blood pressure and heart rate, increased nitric oxide, release of endorphins, enhanced lymphatic circulation, and more.

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Healing with Creative Mental Imagery

Mental imagery, or visualization, has long been known as an effective method for creating change for one’s mental state, emotional or physical health. Whether it’s counting sheep to fall asleep, or imagining a peaceful scene to relax, we’ve all employed our own version of guided imagery. At its best, mental imagery can promote healing in a way that avoids medications and surgery, and empowers the patient with life long skills to heal themselves.

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Natural Parkinson’s Disease Support by Michael Edson, MS, L.Ac

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is the second most common age-related neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease. An estimated seven to 10 million people worldwide have Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s is not just an issue of lack of dopamine production but in fact a multi-faceted neurological disease with many factors contributing to or causing PD. This applies as well to other brain diseases resulting in dementia and Alzheimer’s.

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Validating Your Spiritual Experience

Many years ago I, too, had what they now call an “STE,” or Spiritual Transformative Experience. Like others, I only told my mother and a few close friends at the time. In my case, I was fortunate in that it was not preceeded by an accident or life threatening illness, instead it came seemingly out of nowhere one evening. Just like a Near Death Experience, I was enveloped in light, spoke with guides, and felt the ecstatic bliss of unconditional love.

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7 Tips For Making Those New Year’s Resolutions Stick

| by Dr. Joe Dispenza

7 Tips For Making Those New Year’s Resolutions Stick By Dr. Joe Dispenza, Leading Brain/Change Expert and International Bestselling Author of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One>

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Happy New Year from Merlian News!

Happy New Year to all our dear readers, writers, and staff! We hope that 2025 is a year of growth, learning, and creativity. As Neil Gaiman said, “May your year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books, and kiss someone who who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art – write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”

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Action This Day: A Dreamer’s Wish For the New Year

Robert Moss writes, “I have just received the best ever dreamer’s wish for the New Year. It comes from Virginie Pols, a wonderfully gifted dreamer, artist and teacher of Active Dreaming in Switzerland. She offers it in both French and English: Que cette année, nous soyons dignes de nos plus grands reves! This year, may we be worthy of our biggest dreams! I love this because it reminds us that dreams require action. If we do not take action to honor and embody our biggest dreams in our lives, they may fly away. To lose a big dream is a sad thing. It can even amount to losing a vital piece of our soul…”

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Avoid Chronic Inflammation With The Right Diet

There’s been a lot of news the last few years about chronic inflammation and its debilitating effects on the body, but researchers are still unclear about the causes. Under normal circumstances, the body is supposed to “inflame” a little to mount an immune response and counteract infection — it’s when the body stays in that state that problems occur.

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Merlian News December 2024 Newsletter

Happy Holidays from Merlian News! We thank you for your support, and wish you and your loved ones a season of warmth, joy, and good tidings! Here’s a quick round up of some of our favorite articles from this month! As always, we look forward to presenting you with up to date news and information about holistic events, health and well being from both the scientific and the spiritual perspectives, nutrition, vegan lifestyles, and more.

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