New Thinking Allowed: Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove & Parapsychology
A few years ago, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD. restarted his groundbreaking YouTube show with a new name, “New Thinking Allowed” (video). Dr. Mishlove, who ran the original series from 1986 to 2002, interviewed more than 200 leading intellectuals, including Joseph Campbell, Jean Houston, Terence McKenna, Michael Talbot, and more. In his introduction to the new series, he explains his motivation for starting anew, as a desire to “leave a legacy of the best thinking out there for those who desire to understand who they are and what their potential is.” New programs include interviews with Luis Minero on Energies of the Subtle Body, Walter Semkiw on Reincarnation, and Dream Telepathy with Stanley Krippner.
Dr. Mishlove believes that it is his unique background that allows him to explore new fields of knowledge and discovery. As we read on his website, “Jeffrey holds the only doctoral diploma in parapsychology to be awarded by an accredited American university (University of California, Berkeley).” Because of this background, he has worked for years to establish parapsychology as a unique discipline. Dr. Mishlove is a past director of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and has served as President of the Intuition Network. He also serves as Dean of Programs in Transformational Psychology at the University of Philosophical Research. He is the author of several books, including The PK Man, and Roots of Consciousness.