Check Out – An Incredible Resource

One of the best aspects of my work here at Merlian News is introducing people to the news, food, products, cutting edge science, and leading minds that can help improve our lives and enhance our spiritual growth. Some of our readers dearly love the science we present, while others write in to say that they were most touched by the articles on spirituality or paranormal phenomena. This month I think I’ve found something for everybody in

This wonderful resource is a UK based TV channel broadcasting on the Internet. Iain McNay and his wife, Renate, conduct the most amazing, thoughtful interviews with some of the leading minds in a variety of fields. As it says on their website: “ aims to stimulate debate, question, enquire, inform, enlighten, encourage and inspire people in the areas of Consciousness, Science, Non-Duality and Spirituality.”

I’ve been listening to Mr. McNay’s inteviews for several weeks now, and I still can’t speak highly enough about them. Interviews have featured Matthew Manning, Peter Russell, Andrew Harvey, and others. Iain McNay also moderated a group discussion on “Consciousness & Evolution”with Chris Parish, Dave Pendle and Patrick Bryson. Check out these and other great interviews online and, if you’re like me, you’ll still be thinking and talking about them hours later.

Merlian News Podcasts with Dr. John L. Turner

In this podcast, Dr. Turner speaks with Merryn Jose about: the difference between a neurologist and a neurosurgeon. The dramatic story of a woman patient during surgery and how the miraculous happened. He also discusses his introduction to the work of Edgar Cayce. Other topics include the big shift from physics to metaphysics to neurosurgery, remote viewing, communication through dreams, E.V.P.’s (Electronic Voice Phenomena), radio sweeping, and life after death. Dr. Turner explains how he meditates by practicing present moment awareness.

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Merlian News November 2023 Newsletter

Here’s a quick round up of some of our favorite articles from this month! As always, we look forward to presenting you with up to date news and information about holistic events, health and well being from both the scientific and the spiritual perspectives, nutrition, vegan lifestyles, and more.

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Bioneers: Restoring People and Planet

Bioneers is an innovative nonprofit educational organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and the planet. Founded in 1990 by social entrepreneurs Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons, Bioneers has acted as a hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges. Their programs include radio shows, podcasts, youth fellowship, women’s leadership, and more.

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Earthing: Reconnecting with the Power of the Earth

I first heard of “Earthing,” the concept of connecting to and gaining energy from direct contact with the Earth, several years ago. I learned that the ancient yogis and Christian mystics knew about this great source of power and for that reason developed practices that involved going out into caves or the desert and sleeping on the ground. It not only improved their meditations but reportedly healed sickness and extended longevity.

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Coyote Wisdom: The Power of Story in Healing by Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona

| by Cheryl Shainmark

According to the author, we each contain our own hidden wisdom for how to change or heal, but it is the healer’s job to pull that knowledge out. The right story challenges our hidden assumptions, (that change is not possible, or that there is no way out or only one way out), by presenting us with new possibilities. Mehl-Madrona says that stories are alchemy — if we hear enough stories about transformation then we can’t help but transform. This is powerful stuff, as is the idea that biology follows context — and Coyote Wisdom is a beautiful and powerful book.”

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Merlian News October 2023 Newsletter

Here’s a quick round up of some of our favorite articles from this month! As always, we look forward to presenting you with up to date news and information about holistic events, health and well being from both the scientific and the spiritual perspectives, nutrition, vegan lifestyles, and more.

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For Patients Only: Bioenergy Self-care for a Serious Eye Disease

| by Michael Mannion

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects the retina and leads to a progressive loss of vision. In the United States, some form of AMD affects an estimated 20 million people. AMD is predicted to increase dramatically in the West, rising to about 288 million worldwide by 2040.  It is the main cause of irreversible blindness in those over age 50 in the Western World. There is no effective treatment for this condition today. A little-known form of self-care has shown, in one patient so far, that it has the potential to contribute significantly to eye health in people with intermediate dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This self-care approach is easy for patients to self-administer; has no harmful side effects; and is remarkably inexpensive.

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Eye Floaters by Dr.Marc Grossman O.D. L.Ac.

Do tiny black shapes dance on your white living room wall? Do you see little black circles, lines or squiggles floating in your peripheral vision? Floaters are an appropriate name for these small dark shapes that appear before our eyes, because they do, indeed, float through your field of vision.

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Looking at Sacred Geometry

I had a startling vision a couple of decades ago that led me to research Sacred Geometry. When I did, I was astonished to find that the beautiful symbols I saw in my vision have been known about and studied for thousands of years. From the Ancient Chinese geomancers to Plato, from the Egyptians and the Hindus, through to the modern work of Nassim Harimein (video), the same powerful geometric shapes recur over and over again.

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