Avoiding Arsenic in Your Diet
Arsenic, a naturally occurring toxin , is found in a variety of foods and beverages: tap water, chicken meat , brown rice , and apple juice are just a few examples. While the EPA and the FDA have set standards for minimal amonts allowed in food and water, it’s possible that those allowed levels are still too high. Certainly, testing and enforcing compliance are problematic.
On the alternative medicine website, www.easyhealthoptions.com , Dr. Isaac Eliaz writes, “Tasteless and odorless, arsenic may appear innocuous enough; but, as you should know, it can be a deadly poison when it’s in your food. In sufficient quantities, the metal increases oxidation, destroys cells’ ability to create energy and ultimately causes major organ failure. Even in small amounts, arsenic can promote intestinal upset, nausea, fatigue, infections, liver damage and other serious problems. To add to the danger, arsenic is a known carcinogen.”
No matter how careful you may be, there is still a chance of ingesting arsenic, or being exposed to it in your surroundings. Therefore, leading doctors and dieticians recommend detoxifying to clear all heavy metals and toxins, including arsenic from your system. While it is possible to do a pure cleanse detox for a limited amount of time, it may be simpler for most people to incorporate naturally detoxing foods into their diet. This way, there is always some cleansing going on and hopefully toxins will not build up to high levels.
These are some of the foods, herbs and supplements that detox:
Dairy substitutes: Rice and nut milks such as almond milk and coconut milk Non-gluten grains: brown rice, millet, amaranth, teff, tapioca, buckwheat, potato flour, quinoa, gluten-free oats Fruits and vegetables: unsweetened fresh or frozen whole fruits, water-packed canned fruits, diluted fruit juices and raw steamed, sauteed, juiced, or roasted vegetables Animal protein: fresh or water-packed fish, wild game, lamb, duck, organic chicken, and turkey Vegetable protein: split peas, lentils, and legumes Nuts and seeds: walnuts; sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds; hazelnuts; pecans; almonds; cashews; nut butters such as almond or tahini Oils: cold-pressed olive, flax, safflower, sesame, almond, sunflower, walnut, canola, and pumpkin Drinks: filtered or distilled water, decaffeinated herbal teas, seltzer or mineral water Sweeteners: agave nectar, stevia, fruit sweetener, and blackstrap molasses Condiments: vinegar; all spices, including salt, pepper, basil, carob, cinnamon, cumin, dill, garlic, ginger, mustard, oregano, parsley, rosemary, tarragon, thyme, and turmeric.
Click here for a full article on detoxing, as well as foods to avoid, or go to www.wholeliving.com for more information