Almond Milk Recipe by Maria Helena Stewart & Marli Guedes

In this article, Maria Helena and Marli bring us another one of their mouth watering holistic recipes!

Almond Milk

What you’ll need:

1 Cup of blanched almonds

1 Blender

1 Special cloth bag for seeds (made of pure cotton, no dyes or chemicals)

2 or 3 cups filtered water. The less water the creamier the consistency


To Blanch almonds

Soak almonds overnight in water. Next day, remove the skins (they come off easily.

1. 3 cups of filtered water for every 1 cup of almonds.

2. Put in blender while gradually adding 3 cups of room temperature water. It will blend easier if you avoid adding all 3 cups in at once.

3. Once blended, strain/squeeze liquid through the cloth bag into a container.

Almond milk will be good kept in the fridge for up to 5 days.

“Those who would eat two to three almonds each day need never fear cancer.” Edgar Cayce

Nuts about nutrition!

Cancer Prevention – Almonds are low in saturated fat and contain many other protective nutrients – calcium and magnesium – for strong bones, vitamin E and compounds called phytochemicals, which may help protect against cardiovascular disease and even cancer.

Reduce Heart Attack Risk – A Loma Linda School of Public Health study showed those who consumed nuts five times a week had a 50% reduction in risk of heart attack.

Lower Cholesterol – In one clinical study, Dr. Gene Spiller, Director of the Health Research and Studies Center, Inc., showed that almonds added to the diet had a favorable effect on blood cholesterol levels and that none of the study groups experienced weight gain in the study.

One ounce of almonds contains 12 percent of your daily allowance of protein. And absolutely no cholesterol, of course. You’ll also get 35 percent of your daily allowance of vitamin E, that valuable antioxidant with so many cancer-fighting qualities. And most of the fat in almonds is monounsaturated, also known as the “good” fat.

This little nut is also loaded with minerals like magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, as well as lots of healthy fiber. And don’t forget calcium and folic acid – they’re in there too!

20-25 almonds (approximately one ounce) contain as much calcium as 1/4 cup of milk, a valuable tool in preventing osteoporosis.

Almonds are the best whole food source of vitamin E, in the form of alpha-tocopherol, which may help prevent cancer.

If you’re pregnant, or thinking about it, almonds are a great source of the folic acid you need!

Almonds contain more magnesium than oatmeal or even spinach.

Build strong bones and teeth with the phosphorus in almonds.

Want to see it all? We’ve got a complete list of all the nutrients in almonds. Go Here!

(Nuts about nutrition facts cited from >

by Maria Helena Stewart & Marli Guedes
Maria Helena and Marli are natural vegetarian cooks who use only organically grown produce. They are members of The Seventh Day Adventist Church. Maria Helena and Marli have been living the vegetarian lifestyle with their families for nearly 20 years.